Sunday, May 9, 2010

photography and business venture

that title is jam packed with info.  i feel like i've been neglecting the ol' blog...ok i HAVE BEEN. lol  can i blame it on the weather? thanks. =]

i'm dabbling in photography on a more professional level now.  no, i don't have all the proper schooling but i do have the natural desire to photograph people in settings that are unconventional.  no standard portrait sittings here.  i've done a few shoots and am loving the feeling of capturing moments.  up on the left side is the link to my photography website. 

Natalie12 copy

now i did mention 'business venture' in my post title but it has little to do with photography.  lol  i also have a passion for refurbishing things and giving them new life...maybe even new purpose.  more directly with furniture and other home decor pieces.  half way down on the left of this blog you will find some home decor links to some of my fave blog spots to visit for inspiration.  hubby and i have been in talks with a local building owner about opening up a shop for us to sell our refurbished 'finds'.  most of our inventory is coming from auctions, flea markets, garage sales and even curb finds.  i have no shame in rescuing a damaged piece of wood furniture along side the street.  i feel i am doing my part in keeping the earth green.  why not keep it out of the landfill, make a little income for my family and just do something i totally enjoy???  this blog entry will give you an idea of what i'm talking about.  hope to share more photos soon of finished goods but for is a peek at what my garage looks like. lol

Garage decor1

Garage decor2

Garage decor3

Garage decor4

don't mind my Chopper, he thought i was taking him for a walk.  his leash is right behind me and every time we move past it he thinks it's coming down. lol

i need to get a move on and break out the sander, paint and have hubby repair some minor things.  just wish the rain would stay away for more than a half of a day.  blah.

so...what have you been up to? lol 


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

check this out...

if you have a second i would totally recommend visiting this inspiring blog!  she has a giveaway going on right now and it's wonderful!  hope to see you there. :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

just a peek...

yeah i know, spring is here...easter is this weekend but my mantel isn't quite ready yet.  i do have a peek just so you believe me that i am working on something. lol 

have a sunny day!

Spring decor1

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

spring mantle scape...ATTEMPT! lol

i've been blog hopping A LOT lately looking at all my fave home decor blogs and was totally inspired by this gal to try to put some 'spring' into my family room.  before last Christmas i talked my hubby into hanging a mantle style shelf up on the wall in our family room...see my post here.

so, i got the urge to run out to my local thrift stores and dollar store today and this is what i scored for just under $15.00!

Mantle scape1

where do i begin...

i bought most of this at salvation army except the 3 frames, large ceramic egg and bird.  egg and bird are from the dollar tree and the frames came from goodwill. 

Mantle scape2

these ceramic eggs where in a bag for $3.  i don't necessarily like them all but i can use some and paint them too.  not sure how i will tuck them into my scape.

Mantle scape3

what a fun (heavy) candlestick.  for .75 cents i can definately add this in somewhere.  i'm trying my birdie out on a few things. lol

Mantle scape4

don't mind that irridecent shred, it was in one of the eggs i bought. lol  i have some great earthy moss i plan to use.  LOVE this sterling silver candlestick that has that cool 'hook' on the side to dangle something from.  gotta think of something cute.  maybe a word sign saying "spring"...i dunno yet.

Mantle scape5

new frames, hallmark...nice and chunky with those cute name plates on front.  i have three kiddos so these are perfect...for just a total of $3.


i'm not a 'bunny' person as in decorating for easter but this bunny....he is JUST. TOO. CUTE!!!  don't you agree???  he was a whole .75 cents and is in like new condition.

ok, i gotta get off here and do something creative with this stuff.  oh, i WILL be back to show you what i done with it all.

have a creative day...


Sunday, March 14, 2010

weekend crop @ The Mosy Scrapper!


if you haven't visited The Mosy Scrapper than you should get over there and get registered for their crop this coming weekend (March 20 & 21st)!  check out their blog to see all the fabulous prize donations that keep pouring in.  i've even donated items from my etsy shop as well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

shared a simple technique...

over at Scrapperie....come on over. :)


Friday, March 5, 2010

playing with my camera and lighting

i still need to move my lighting around more and learn how to use the strobe but i had fun taking pics of my little guy.  i didn't realize how much of a ham he is in front of a camera.  he was soooo helpful and he was doing poses that made me laugh so hard. :)


