Sunday, January 13, 2008

scooter time.

The boys both got scooters for Christmas and they finally got to play around on them a couple days ago. Brody, only being 2, did pretty darn good for not ever being on one before. Lake loved his "chopper" style scooter and enjoys how fast it goes.



Saturday, January 12, 2008

new year.

i'm not trying to neglect my blog by any means. i miss posting my thoughts and happenings and even my scrappy creations. i have had computer issues and unable to upload my camera to my pc. so, hopefully that will be remedied soon and i can share stuff!

hope everyone is adjusting to their new year beginning! i am and have high hopes for a wonderful year. i've started making a list of accomplishments i want to surpass this year and i feel very hopeful. :)

chat soon.