Tuesday, February 26, 2008

yay, i moved!

i hope to figure this out soon.  i've tried typepad before and liked it, i just didn't make the time for it then but i realized i really want a more useable blog for my "stuff". lol  come back soon as i might have something enlighten to share. ha. :)

Sunday, February 24, 2008


yep, it's been to my house. lol i've been scrappin' away! i have a mess to clean tho.




Saturday, February 23, 2008

pink paislee.

is a fanatstic new company that has a fun and funky style of scrapbooking supplies. you will not want to miss checking out their website and even signing up at their "Live Pink" forum to keep on top of new product, inspiration and just to be surrounded by great creative people!

hurry.....RUN to check it out! more fun info....when they get 300 members signed up there is going to be a yummy giveaway! woohoo! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


i want one. i've been going to the store and just staring at the Expressions one. i really think i can do a lot with this machine. if hubby knew i wanted to spend almost 300.00 on a "craft machine" (as he would think) he would freak. lol my sister said she would go in on one with me. maybe. did i say i wanted one?! lol

other news....

i'm going to write a book. that is all i can tell you right now. lol i think it will take a good year but i am up for it. i will share at a later date as i will have more information. wish me luck. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

anniversary. valentines.

yep today is Josh and i's anniversary. luckily he came home bright and early this morning so we get to 'do lunch or dinner' being just the two of us sometime today. :) i awoke to flowers and a card, which was nice. did i mention he had bought me a room full of furniture for our anniversary???? i am wayyyy spoiled. :) i love him.

hope you have your special moment with your loved ones today.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

layout share.

a few layouts i've had done but haven't been able to share. boy, i can NOT wait until we get our new computer!!!! i'm so lost without uploading photos and layouts to share.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

i'm still here.

i'm irritated that i can not upload pics or layouts. i hope to be getting a new computer very soon.

i've been working hard on our living room; painting, planning out the layout for our new furniture, hanging my family photographs, etc. i hope to share pics of this soon. then it's on to another room of the house...probably the main bath.

hope you all are enjoying your new year and making the best of the crazy weather (well, us hoosiers have crazy weather right now. lol).