Tuesday, February 23, 2010

technique tuesday @ Scrapperie

it was my week again to share a technique tutorial over at Scrapperie.  come on over and join in and be iNsPiReD!!!



i'm getting my mojo back...hope to be back with more scrappy stuff soon. =]

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i can see clearly....now.

Me n my glasses1
nothing major, just some squinting long distance while driving.  it's a big change that is for sure.  it's been a week and i am slowly getting use to them.  :)

more interesting stuff....i am back at my fave hobby....estate auctions!  look at this fun stash of junque i picked up.

Flower tag find1
this little old man kept E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!  this box holds hundreds of flower labels and tags.  he was an avid flower grower (i'm sure he was more than that but i'm not sure what you would call him). lol  all i know is i went through this mess and washed many, many fun tags and labels that have plant related info but can easily be used on layouts or other scrappy projects.  be watching my etsy shop for updated items as i have a TON to list. :)

Flower tag find2
oh yeah.  i got a little something for my anniversary from the hubs.  ok it is a BIG something....

Meet rebe
meet 'Rebby'. lol  yes i named her. ha.  i explained to the kiddos that SHE is apart of the family and they needed to respect her.  then i gave them the stink eye and a run down of the R.U.L.E.S. lol

*all pics in this post are taken with Rebby. :)  i am slowly picking up tips for different settings so i can change my shutter speeds and stuff.  fun process indeed.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Techniques @ Scrapperie

Inset journaling9
Inset journaling8

i do a technique every other week over at Scrapperie so come by and try one out!  this one is on the topic of making your journaling set in behind your photo or paper.

oh yeah...that is my newest niece, Eleecya.  i haven't gotten to hold her yet but i snagged these photos from my sister's fb page. lol  this is also the first i've scrapped in a long while so i'm thrilled to have gotten it done and now i'm slowly finding my mojo and have started some other projects.  what have you done lately?