Tuesday, March 30, 2010

just a peek...

yeah i know, spring is here...easter is this weekend but my mantel isn't quite ready yet.  i do have a peek just so you believe me that i am working on something. lol 

have a sunny day!

Spring decor1

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

spring mantle scape...ATTEMPT! lol

i've been blog hopping A LOT lately looking at all my fave home decor blogs and was totally inspired by this gal to try to put some 'spring' into my family room.  before last Christmas i talked my hubby into hanging a mantle style shelf up on the wall in our family room...see my post here.

so, i got the urge to run out to my local thrift stores and dollar store today and this is what i scored for just under $15.00!

Mantle scape1

where do i begin...

i bought most of this at salvation army except the 3 frames, large ceramic egg and bird.  egg and bird are from the dollar tree and the frames came from goodwill. 

Mantle scape2

these ceramic eggs where in a bag for $3.  i don't necessarily like them all but i can use some and paint them too.  not sure how i will tuck them into my scape.

Mantle scape3

what a fun (heavy) candlestick.  for .75 cents i can definately add this in somewhere.  i'm trying my birdie out on a few things. lol

Mantle scape4

don't mind that irridecent shred, it was in one of the eggs i bought. lol  i have some great earthy moss i plan to use.  LOVE this sterling silver candlestick that has that cool 'hook' on the side to dangle something from.  gotta think of something cute.  maybe a word sign saying "spring"...i dunno yet.

Mantle scape5

new frames, hallmark...nice and chunky with those cute name plates on front.  i have three kiddos so these are perfect...for just a total of $3.


i'm not a 'bunny' person as in decorating for easter but this bunny....he is JUST. TOO. CUTE!!!  don't you agree???  he was a whole .75 cents and is in like new condition.

ok, i gotta get off here and do something creative with this stuff.  oh, i WILL be back to show you what i done with it all.

have a creative day...


Sunday, March 14, 2010

weekend crop @ The Mosy Scrapper!


if you haven't visited The Mosy Scrapper than you should get over there and get registered for their crop this coming weekend (March 20 & 21st)!  check out their blog to see all the fabulous prize donations that keep pouring in.  i've even donated items from my etsy shop as well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

shared a simple technique...

over at Scrapperie....come on over. :)


Friday, March 5, 2010

playing with my camera and lighting

i still need to move my lighting around more and learn how to use the strobe but i had fun taking pics of my little guy.  i didn't realize how much of a ham he is in front of a camera.  he was soooo helpful and he was doing poses that made me laugh so hard. :)


