Monday, February 27, 2006

I found SOME mojo!!! *giggle*

Goals? Do you set 'em?

I have goals, not really written out in front of me orderly so I can stare at them daily but I HAVE 'EM! lol Here are a few off the top of my head;

*Continue my remodling of the kitchen, bath, and boy's rooms.
*Organize all closets (these tend to be 'catch alls' in our house)
*Redesign layout of my scrap/rec room
*Set a schedule for family time/ hubby time through out the week (we do spend time but I don't feel it's really planned well and it's not enough time)

I have many others but those came to mind quickly. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

Design Team

It's official! I had mentioned before about my lss asking me to do some DT work but she had other things keeping her from getting the whole thing started. They had been remodeling their store. Anyway, I just received an email confirming our first Design Team meeting! I've been on online DT's but I feel this will be a more personal exprience and I can't wait!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Layout share!

I'm not feeling that creative these days but I managed to pull this one together fairly quick.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

February inspired layout.

what a BARGIN!

ok, I made it to Hobby Lobby today and found some great deals! I got this MME Kaleidoscope paper pack of 180 SHEETS for $10.00! I'm stoked! I also got textured cardstock 20 sheets for $5.00 (the black and white that I often need). Ink pads are 1/2 off so I stocked up on StazOn and Ranger inks. All their rub-ons were also 1/2 off. If you are near a HL stop by this week!

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

I have creative block!

I hate admitting this...sigh. I have new product laying around here. I frequent my lss almost daily. I have plenty of photographs to scrap. I've searched the awsome galleries that I have on my favorites list...I don't know what else to do. I have a V-day project to get done for my hubby(it's our anniversary too). Send some scrapping vibes this way, please. lol

I'm impatiently waiting for the weather to change also. Then there is my camera situation. I've been using my MIL's for a few months now. I'm extremely thankful for that since I take photos daily. Next week hubby and I are purchasing a new camera. I have it narrowed down to a few choices. I'm a bargin hunter so if I can get it on sale, all the better. lol