Tuesday, February 7, 2006

I have creative block!

I hate admitting this...sigh. I have new product laying around here. I frequent my lss almost daily. I have plenty of photographs to scrap. I've searched the awsome galleries that I have on my favorites list...I don't know what else to do. I have a V-day project to get done for my hubby(it's our anniversary too). Send some scrapping vibes this way, please. lol

I'm impatiently waiting for the weather to change also. Then there is my camera situation. I've been using my MIL's for a few months now. I'm extremely thankful for that since I take photos daily. Next week hubby and I are purchasing a new camera. I have it narrowed down to a few choices. I'm a bargin hunter so if I can get it on sale, all the better. lol


  1. Awesome Amy, I love the new Blog!!!!! you rock girl & look at your cute self :D
    Happy Anniversay to you and hubby, hope you guys have a wonderful one!

  2. I just can't seem to get moitivated either. I think I am going to scrap and I just spend hours looking for some pics that I feel like scrapping until I finally give up.

    Hope you have a Happy Anniversary!

    Good luck finding a sale on the camera you want. I know you have been waiting a while to get a new one.
