Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

never been tagged....until now!

Dianne tagged me...

I didn't even know i was being chased. teehee

I can handle this one. I just have to share 7 random facts about me and then share 7 random scrap related facts {for fun, as Linds put it on her blog}. Enjoy!


1. I am left handed {so is my hubby, how crazy is that?!?}.

2. I can plan a mean party/event {cuz I'm an event planner}.

3. I put my children and family before myself which leads to me going a little stir crazy after a few months and lashing out by spoiling myself. {hey, whatever works, right? lol}

4. My desire is to own and operate my own business. Not sure what it is just yet but I have this feeling it won't be too much longer {I do have ideas just not one particular}.

5. I can play a mean game of pool! I {heart} billards!

6. I have always been that fun...friends with everyone type of person. I was never in a "click" in high school but was friends with everyone. I love making people laugh and feel comfortable.

7. I am annoyed by people that don't try things before they say "I can't {in a whiny voice}". I just am slayed by people that think things are just handed to them. uuggghh! lol


1. I have more supplies then I will ever need.

2. I have been scrapping for 12 years.

3. My first scrap supplies were purchased in a run down Michaels store about 40 minutes away from me.

4. I rarely scrap about myself...of which I really need to change.

5. I like my style...if you want to call it a 'style'. lol I love using old and new products. I don't just chase after new items and use them in the groupings they are designed in. I mix and match with items I've had for years.

6. I haven't put my layouts in albums for about a year now...guess how tall my stack of layouts is??? lol {3 stacks @ approx. 10-12 inches high}

7. I love all the scrappy relationships I have gained through online scrap sites. I love sharing a passion with others even if we can't "hang out" in person.

Thanks for reading about me! Have a great scrappy day!

oh yeah...i've been scrappin'!

these are a couple of my faves from last night. i actually finished 4! this is good for me and my crazy life lately. enjoy!

Monday, April 23, 2007

what a fantastic weekend we had!

the weather was perfect....hubby was home for FOUR days (which is a huge treat in itself)....our local zoo opened this weekend...sigh...happiness.

We visited grandparents, ice cream shops, parks, took walks, played in the yard, worked on landscaping...I really needed it. Now I'm off to scrap...enjoy these few zoo pics!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

layout share.

just wanted to share a few layouts i've done recently. btw, the good stuff layout was chosen as LOTD over at Scrapperie and also this layout was designed while participating in a 'scrappy hour' at Create My Keepsake talk about great motivation and fabulous environment! Check both places out.

keep on scrappin'


Monday, April 9, 2007

Hope your Sunday was memorable!

yeah, yeah...I know it's been awhile since I've posted. I've just been plain lazy. No other excuses. lol Here are some pics of my kiddos from this past weekend. I have been scrapping but haven't photographed them yet...soon, soon. :D