Tuesday, April 24, 2007

never been tagged....until now!

Dianne tagged me...

I didn't even know i was being chased. teehee

I can handle this one. I just have to share 7 random facts about me and then share 7 random scrap related facts {for fun, as Linds put it on her blog}. Enjoy!


1. I am left handed {so is my hubby, how crazy is that?!?}.

2. I can plan a mean party/event {cuz I'm an event planner}.

3. I put my children and family before myself which leads to me going a little stir crazy after a few months and lashing out by spoiling myself. {hey, whatever works, right? lol}

4. My desire is to own and operate my own business. Not sure what it is just yet but I have this feeling it won't be too much longer {I do have ideas just not one particular}.

5. I can play a mean game of pool! I {heart} billards!

6. I have always been that fun...friends with everyone type of person. I was never in a "click" in high school but was friends with everyone. I love making people laugh and feel comfortable.

7. I am annoyed by people that don't try things before they say "I can't {in a whiny voice}". I just am slayed by people that think things are just handed to them. uuggghh! lol


1. I have more supplies then I will ever need.

2. I have been scrapping for 12 years.

3. My first scrap supplies were purchased in a run down Michaels store about 40 minutes away from me.

4. I rarely scrap about myself...of which I really need to change.

5. I like my style...if you want to call it a 'style'. lol I love using old and new products. I don't just chase after new items and use them in the groupings they are designed in. I mix and match with items I've had for years.

6. I haven't put my layouts in albums for about a year now...guess how tall my stack of layouts is??? lol {3 stacks @ approx. 10-12 inches high}

7. I love all the scrappy relationships I have gained through online scrap sites. I love sharing a passion with others even if we can't "hang out" in person.

Thanks for reading about me! Have a great scrappy day!


  1. fun stuff!!! love them all, but REALLY love the scrappy facts!

    I loved looking through your LOs, fabulous!!!

  2. great lists!!! love it!

  3. Loved reading your list Amy! I can't believe you've never been tagged?!?!?! what's up with that? lol...I will definitely remember that for next time ;)
    I finally got around to getting my blogger working again *sigh* too many hobbies, too little time :)
    luv ya scrappy gal!
