Tuesday, May 1, 2007

motherhood...what a day.

i'm trying to de-stress from this afternoon. the day was going great...i was getting oodles of things accomplished and then my 11 yr old daughter screams MOM!

my 2 yr old had fallen down our cement steps out back. i heard him scream but he was over that when i got outside. i brought him inside and noticed his lip was swelling so i grabbed a cool wet cloth. he seemed fine. i noticed he had dirt by his mouth so i went to wipe across the bottom of his lip when i noticed more "dirt" in his mouth. well, it wasn't dirt..it was gravel imbedded in his teeth....wait a minute....his teeth don't look right.

i freaked. his front teeth were pushed clear back like someone folded them up! i didn't know what to do...he wasn't complaining...he wasn't bleeding. i took him to the emergency room. they said he was fine as far as any serious damage goes and Brody just wanted down to run around. i, on the other hand, was a wreck. i just kept thinking of his perfect smile. why wasn't i there to catch him?!? why do mothers feel horrible and at fault when something like this happens?!? all this crap is going through my head while we waited for a doctor in the ER....long wait.....

the doctor consulted over the phone with a local pediatric dentist and i agreed to let the ER doctor "pop" them back in place?!? they aren't quite back where they should be but they aren't back up into the roof of his mouth either.

we have an appointment with that dentist in the morning. guess where he is?? outside with his dad playing.

did i say....i'm a wreck. sigh. i need to relax. thanks for listening.


  1. Children are soo musch stronger than we are. He will be fine!!! I too know the feelings, have been through quite a bit with my girls. Hugs!!

  2. HUGE hugs Amy!!!! I know he will have an awesome smile no matter what, he is such a sweetie :) Tomorrow will be a better day!!!

  3. Huge hugs Amy....I know this is hard for you...my friend went thru this exact samt thing. The dentist told her when the adult teeth came in everything would be ok.

  4. I have a friend that this happened to also and their dentist said the same thing that Rebecca said. So, while it is tough now, at least it's not hurting him. hang in there!

  5. (((hugs))) i know how you feel when you say you feel bad but thats ok i am sure he will be fine you are a great mom!!!!!more ((((hugs))))

  6. Ohhhhh Boy, Glad that he is O.K.

    Hugs to you, I know how you feel !


  7. Oh no! poor Brody and Mommy! that darn Mommy guilt, I'm sure we've all been there! ((super big hugs to you both))
    *Scrappy Smiles to you*
