Tuesday, June 19, 2007

i won.

the CMK challenge that i posted a couple posts down...i won. ok, it was a drawing because the awsome Rebecca couldn't decided on all the talent...but hey, i won. teehee see proof here.

Monday, June 18, 2007

just a quickie.

this layout took all of about 20 minutes to do. i felt the photos were self explanitory so i didn't journal. just fun stuff!

CMK challenge.

Rebecca over at CMK posted a weekend challenge to create a layout with the work "love" somewhere on it. this instantly came to mind.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Sunday, June 3, 2007


blog WIN & garge sale FIND.

If you've never ventured over the the Making Memories blog then you should go....NOW! The site is great for information, ideas and they are always giving away their yummy stuff! I recently scored these fabulous storage jars and quickly filled them with my goodies to display and have at my finger tips. *highly recommended*

Also, I stopped by a garage sale in my neighborhood a few days ago and came across these ink pads for $2.00! There were over 40 pieces {a few aren't shown and several of the ones shown haven't even been open!!!}. I say that is a GREAT find!