Sunday, December 14, 2008

wedding is over.

wow, i have never been so busy around the holidays as i have this year!  i am breathing a bit easier today as my baby sister's wedding is done.  everything went well and she and her hubby surprised me today with a 'thank you' gift for planning their wedding and following it through. :)

on a sad note: shortly after leaving the church the couple (along with a couple friends) hit a deer which led to a delay in arriving to the reception and a pretty much totaled their new car. :(  surprisingly, neither one was too upset about it....which was great for all of us.  thankfully the state police waited for the tow truck to arrive and they doubled up in a couple vehicles that were following them to the reception.  what an interesting story to share later. hmmm.

just look at this gorgeous couple!

Kayla & mike happy 

Kayla happy  

Kayla & mike cake 

***i will have more photos later...these are just a few that i was able to get between overseeing the wedding. lol 


  1. Oh, that's too bad. Thankfully no one was hurt (except the deer, I guess!)
    Great photos-- can't wait to see more of the happy couple!

  2. Sweet photos!! I'm sure glad that no one was hurt. Enjoy the next ten days...breath!! LOL!

  3. Oh, they look truly happy! How wonderful, even with the deer fiasco!

  4. I'm so glad the wedding went well! My sister got married on December 18th a few years ago so I get what you mean about being busy! Great the first one. They are so cute! Glad no one was hurt in the accident.

  5. OMG! That is so sad. I'm glad no one was hurt! I had lots of drama on my wedding day and I handled it fine, I think it was because we were on such a HIGH! I'm sure that is how they got thru it! They look lovely together! So happy! Can't wait to see more photos!

  6. Great photos, and what a story that will be for years to come! :) Congrats to them!

  7. Amy, you got GREAT photo's!!! Oh wow that's some story!!
    Hope you're doing well!! :D

  8. OMIGOODNESS AMY! So beautiful! I bet you're glad it's over and you can rest easy now! LOL Can't wait to see more!

  9. Sorry to hear about the deer but at least they weren't hurt and kept their spirits up! Looked like a great time and what a beautiful couple...she looked stunning! Happy holidays my friend and don't stress too much! LOL

  10. WOW, what a great story to tell about your wedding! glad everyone is okay, whew. your sis looks fabulous!

  11. Your sister was a gorgeous bride!
    and the deer thing sounds like something that would definitely happen in my family! lol
