Thursday, April 16, 2009


challenge that is...over at UA.  this was a fast one too.  :)

Best of luck card 

Best of luck card2 

i had fun using a vintage bingo card that i've been hoarding. lol 

have a creative weekend!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

another hair cut!!!!

yep my youngest has given himself about 3 hair cuts in all of his 4 yrs.  seriously, i watch him, i really  this time he was right in the same room with me.  he was cutting paper to make "art" and while watching cartoons too..i think he just put the scissors up to his hair and was cutting without realizing it.  uugghhh, i can't help but laugh now. thank goodness he is a boy so buzz cuts work out! ha!

Brody's recent hair cut

going green...

as in the challenge #3 at Urban Anthology!  i finished this up using some random things that would go to recycling or garbage.


UA blinkie 

follow the link at the top of this entry to see close ups and details about how i made this layout. 


hope your easter was wonderful, ours was so just that, that i forgot to get many pictures...kinda bittersweet. lol

Brody easter 09

Easter 09

2009 043 

Brody and braylon easter 09  

Braylon 4-09 copy 

this last photo is of my nephew and he just loved sitting on Brody's peddle car. :)

have a creative day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i went on a hop....

and i WON! woohooo!!!!  i can't believe i will be receiving a delicious prize package from Pink Paislee!  YES!!!!


on another note....i made my first sketch evah for a bonus challenge at the on-going UA contest!  i so surprised myself. lol

DT Bonus Challenge #2 - wilgeshouse sketch 

UA blinkie

Monday, April 6, 2009

Scrapperie's May Kit

i know it's just the first part of April but you MUST check how bright and fun this amazing kit is from Scrapperie coming in May!  you can stop by and pre-order it now!  i am lucky to get to design with this kit for the May reveal and can't wait to get my hands on this fabulous kit. :)  i will be sure to remind you all when i have my creations to reveal. ha.


ALSO...we still have a month long daily card challenge going on at Scrapperie as well. 


 how inspiring to get daily challenges from the DT!  stop by and say "HI"...i would love to see you there! :)


Saturday, April 4, 2009

on with the first Bonus Challenge...

i'm determined to stay on track with this month long contest over at Urban Anthology!  this was a short time frame type challenge to use fabric and stamping of some sort.  i had been wanting to try some kind of candy gift idea to give my kiddos and their cousins for Easter and this was a perfect time to try this!

Easter Treat Necklace 

Easter Treat Necklace 1 

Easter Treat Necklace 2  

Easter Treat Necklace 3  

now i gotta get down to business with the #2 challenge that is due back. ;) 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Design Team Hopeful!

that is what i am right now.  i signed up for this month long contest over at Urban Anthology and this is the product of the first challenge. :) 

Game on 1