Friday, August 14, 2009

hubby's work & school time

it's been a bit since i've been around this ol' blog.  the summer has kept me busy with entertaining kiddos and learning to live on a VERY tight budget.  i'm pretty proud of the way hubby and i managed to 'keep afloat' during these trying times.  we kept positive and adjusted accordingly and even faced those obvious obstacles that show up at the worst times {broken power window, faulty NEW waterheater, failing oven thermostat, truck breaks, etc}. 

oh but there is good news...

hubby just went back to work full time and they assured him there would be NO MORE lay offs with the railroad he is working on.  whew.  things are looking up and we are making plans to get back on "track" as to where we were headed 8 months ago before all this started.  a BIG thank you to everyone that kept us in their thoughts.  MUCH appreciated!!!


the kiddos are headed back to school and i am actually looking forward to it.  not to get RID of them but for them to start a new journey.  i think we just all need a new path started after the first part of this year not going as planned.  my daughter is heading into 8th grade, my middle child {son} is headed into 5th grade and my baby will be going to preschool.


2009 006.2



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