Sunday, November 29, 2009

November flew by

we had a great thanksgiving and sadly i did not take photos other than catching my little guy in action while he helped me make desserts the night before.

Brody making desserts


i can't believe i did not make it to the black friday sales this year...a first in MANY MANY years.  it just didn't work as i didn't have anyone available to keep an eye on Brody.  it's all good as i actually got an early start on my Christmas shopping this year and i'm over half done.  i probably would have been done this weekend but my frugal side kicked in and i was resisting the prices on some things as i am confident i can find them less somewhere else. lol  this might come back to haunt me but my stubborn side won this weekend.

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Brody was a big help with putting up both trees today.  he amazes me daily at what he can do and the things he talks to me about.  just tonight my daughter (13) asked me why i talk to him like he's an adult.  i had to stop and realize what she was saying but i then answered that i talk to him like i would anyone else.  i don't do the baby talk.  i don't discuss things that aren't appropriate either but i try every day to make situations...learning experiences.  Brody is my little sponge.  he knows so much and his memory he DID NOT get from me. lol

have i ever mentioned that he can make a mean cheese roll up??? lol

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i'll be back soon to share some holiday decor and a project i'm working on.

holiday hugs! 


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