Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blah Monday!

It's rainy and gloomy here today. I was able to scrap alittle this weekend so I'm feeling productive. Now my scrap space is a wreck and my house was neglected so that is what is on my 'list' of things to do today.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I got a ticket.

Yep, I was speeding. With all the retreat excitement, I forgot about my speeding ticket that I got right before arriving at the retreat on friday! Go figure. I wasn't intentionally speeding. I was just going along with the flow of traffic and not being from that area, I wasn't paying attention. My sister and I rode together so we were chatting it up and I guess a little excitement was "in the air". lol I wasn't nervous when the officer approached us. I was actually a little 'giddy'. No....not because of him, because of the retreat. lol Well, 10 minutes and 106.00 later, we were back on track and starting our fabulous weekend. I just pulled the ticket out of my purse. lol I guess I just came off my "high" from having a glorous weekend with 'the girls'!

Monday, April 24, 2006

ICS scrapbooking retreat!

These are just a few of the fun photographs I took of us all having a blast! What a wonderful way to meet a group of sweet, caring, goofy, and talented women.


1) Robin B. & I 2) Shannon B. & I 3) Kimber, Sue, Sandi & Renee 4) Kimber K. 5) Danell H. 6) Kim, Sandi, Shannon, Cindy & Robyn 7) Brenda B. & I 8) Robyn W. 9) Sandi M. & I

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

can you say.......RETREAT!?!?

Yep, I'm off to my first ever scrap retreat this friday! woohoo, I'm so stoked to meet about a dozen ladies that I've gotten to know and even admire. Check back because there will be pics to share! I don't even know where to begin with packing. lol I doubt that I'll even get anything accomplished but building friendships. Gotta go, I must dig through my embellies and paper to see what I need to pack. hehe

Friday, April 7, 2006

Thursday, April 6, 2006

I've started a WEB RING!

Yes, I have searched for a good scrapbook related webring and decided to start one. It's easy to do, you click on the join option in my RingSurf box to the right of my blog and go from there. It will give you a html code to cut and paste in your blog/scrap website. This is a easy way to stay in a stream of scrapping talent and share inspiration. If you have ANY questions, please ask!

Tuesday, April 4, 2006


Yep, if you've read my blog before you will remember me mentioning my hubby's first interview with the railroad. Since then we have been just WAITING. Well, today he has his second interview. Now, I really never ask for anything but I would like you all to cross your fingers and toes for this. This would be such a big change in our lives and things will be so incredibly better! I'm hoping for some news this afternoon when he gets back. I can't tell you how great this would be....we could start our own business venture (something we have been planning for a few years now), buy a bigger house, no stress or worries, great financial retirement plan...can you hear my BIG sigh of relief? Ok, I shouldn't presume. Cross 'em please! {hugs}