Tuesday, April 4, 2006


Yep, if you've read my blog before you will remember me mentioning my hubby's first interview with the railroad. Since then we have been just WAITING. Well, today he has his second interview. Now, I really never ask for anything but I would like you all to cross your fingers and toes for this. This would be such a big change in our lives and things will be so incredibly better! I'm hoping for some news this afternoon when he gets back. I can't tell you how great this would be....we could start our own business venture (something we have been planning for a few years now), buy a bigger house, no stress or worries, great financial retirement plan...can you hear my BIG sigh of relief? Ok, I shouldn't presume. Cross 'em please! {hugs}


  1. Got 'em all crossed for ya!
    there are alot of great perks...I wish you guys all the best :)
    dh turned one down last year, he decided he'ld rather be home with us & I'm fine with that :)
    scrappy hugs, Cami

  2. Here's to wishing your hubby luck with the railroad!! Is this for Garrett? My dad has worked for the railroad for over 30 years...he is at the Garrett location :)

  3. not garrett, it's new haven (Norfolk). thanks for the luck wishes! my father and stepmother both work for them so i'm hoping we have some pull. :>

  4. Cami - yes, i know it can keep him from home...mostly at first but we are prepared and look to the future for better finacial and carefree stability. ;> thanks!
