Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I got a ticket.

Yep, I was speeding. With all the retreat excitement, I forgot about my speeding ticket that I got right before arriving at the retreat on friday! Go figure. I wasn't intentionally speeding. I was just going along with the flow of traffic and not being from that area, I wasn't paying attention. My sister and I rode together so we were chatting it up and I guess a little excitement was "in the air". lol I wasn't nervous when the officer approached us. I was actually a little 'giddy'. No....not because of him, because of the retreat. lol Well, 10 minutes and 106.00 later, we were back on track and starting our fabulous weekend. I just pulled the ticket out of my purse. lol I guess I just came off my "high" from having a glorous weekend with 'the girls'!


  1. I'm so sorry you got a ticket on the way there, Amy- but I am so, so glad I finally got to meet you! I had such a blast getting to know you and hang out with you- can't wait for the next one!

  2. Bummer! Tickets are no fun. I really try to watch my speed. I just know I will never hear the end of it from my daughter if I get one. I am always getting onto her to keep her speed down. Having a teen driver is not fun!

  3. Glad the ticket didn't put a damper on your weekend, Amy! =)

  4. Bummer about the ticket. Good thing you had the retreat and forgot about it! Sounds like you had a blast! Love the pics :)

  5. ouch! that's a stinger of a ticket!!
    I got one last year after not having one for about 10 years. of course, I had Samantha with, she tells everybody :D
