Wednesday, July 12, 2006

wish it wasn't raining...sigh...

but then again, I wouldn't have things cleaned up around here. I've spent my last two days DEEP cleaning and purging things in my life that are unnecessary or unused. I'm begining to LOVE clean lines and my house feels extra clean with less clutter.

Are you clutter free???

*above is a photograph I took while at the beach with my best friend...this is her daughter, Camryn.


  1. yeah so house to most people is messy (not dirty mind you) just disorganized...that's what I'll do today in the rain...clean clean clean!

  2. I wish I was clutter free, I just don't think that will ever happen! But, it's not too bad.

    Great pic! love the angle :)

  3. neat pic Amy!
    I'm sure you've hear about my organizational skills or better yet lack of them so we won't go there :D

  4. Clutter Free??? I only wish! We have weay to much clutter, all of are packrats. LOL

  5. Love that photo and isn't it great to be clutter free - at least in some areas of our lives? lol I just re-organized and cleaned it feels so good.
