Tuesday, August 8, 2006

it's always something...

ok, well I guess I shouldn't sound like my life is one disaster after another but when I am making plans for a small investment of something FUN...something always goes wrong and sets me back! ha! This time it was my computer monitor. It died. On Monday (last monday). I spent a week without my internet scrapping fix...sigh. I'm better now, hubby found a replacement. It just never fails though, I talk about purchasing something we have been waiting on because of financial limits and little things go wrong that take up that 'extra' money. Such is life I guess.

I'm happy today though...life is good to me. My kids are happy. I'm keeping cool in my home. I spent the evening hanging out with my best friend last night....life is good.


  1. UGH! I was without my computer for a day and went absolutely nuts!

  2. My monitor died about 2 summers ago and I was without internet for about 3-4 days! It was agonizing! Glad your back on!!

  3. I know that feeling :)
    Hope ya get that fun goodie soon!
    Scrappy Smiles :)
