Sunday, October 22, 2006

i've done it...

i've started selling stuff on eBay! yep, i've joined the bazzilions of sellers that are out to make a buck. you can see my stuff here and i will also include a link to the right of my blog for future reference (yanno, when i really get addicted and list everything i own, teehee).

my weekend was busy. we are getting the house ready for winter. had my son's 8th birthday party. didn't get to join in on a fun Octoberfest party that was held at CMK. i need to get scrappin'!

have a memorable day!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


i just felt like a challenge was necessary. weather is changing, people will be spending more time with that said;

what is your favorite room in the house (excluding scrap rooms)? share a photo if you can and describe why it is your favorite.

mine is our family room. it's where we gather to watch movies, we entertain...we hold parties...celebrating birthdays. it's always warm and the furniture is comfy. i love my family room.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

what defines a camera?

had to share this cute moment when Brody approached me this morning and began saying "cheeessseee, cheeessseee". it took me a minute to realize that this game controller was his camera. could i have an aspiring photographer in my presence? love it!

on another note...

Robyn - your doing something right! *wink* i will be sure to ReMiNd everyone to vote next round. THANKS!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


i'm calling all my scrappy friends to please vote for Robyn Weatherspoon for the covetted MM IDOL title *PLEASE NOTE* YOU CAN ONLY VOTE 12AM-12PM ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 16TH FOR THIS ROUND.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

we had ribs the other night. brody has never had them before. do you think he liked them??? of course. ha.

sadly, nothing much is going on scrap wise. with the weather feeling fallish (except for yesterday with the snow falling hastily), we've been taking evening family walks. we've also taken a new interest in our local library and realized what fun we've been missing. they had a harvest event the other day and the kiddos LOVED it! hubby and i are researching some business ventures so the library is a good FREE source.

hope your having a wonderful fall day!

Sunday, October 8, 2006

life happens.

i am just getting back to my computer. i have been dealing with something that i wasn't ready for. my maternal grandfather's health started failing about 4 months ago. no big worries then...he, in his 70's went the to doc and got meds. things were ok. fast forward to about a month ago and everything went down hill RAPIDLY. i helped care for him when i could. it took a troup of family members to donate their time to caring for him. what an awakening to learn about the government, healthcare, medicaid, social security, etc. we are screwed (sorry, don't know a better word) when we get old and sick. i lost my grandfather last friday (sept. 29th). i have been dealing with paper work, his finances (what he has left after medical bills), and stingy family members. how sad, i now understand why some people choose certain ways to leave things to loved ones, pre funeral arrangements, etc. life is crazy.

i urge you to enjoy your loved ones. 4 months ago he just had some arthritis in his he is in heaven. no disease, no major organ trouble. life is crazy.