Sunday, October 8, 2006

life happens.

i am just getting back to my computer. i have been dealing with something that i wasn't ready for. my maternal grandfather's health started failing about 4 months ago. no big worries then...he, in his 70's went the to doc and got meds. things were ok. fast forward to about a month ago and everything went down hill RAPIDLY. i helped care for him when i could. it took a troup of family members to donate their time to caring for him. what an awakening to learn about the government, healthcare, medicaid, social security, etc. we are screwed (sorry, don't know a better word) when we get old and sick. i lost my grandfather last friday (sept. 29th). i have been dealing with paper work, his finances (what he has left after medical bills), and stingy family members. how sad, i now understand why some people choose certain ways to leave things to loved ones, pre funeral arrangements, etc. life is crazy.

i urge you to enjoy your loved ones. 4 months ago he just had some arthritis in his he is in heaven. no disease, no major organ trouble. life is crazy.


  1. Hi Amy,

    I am so sorry about your Grandpa. So sad for you all I'm sure.

    I delt with something similar when my dad died in a car crash a couple years ago. he lived alone so it fell to me to deal with everything. He didn't have a will but he had years earlier put me on all his accts, etc. Still having a will would have made other things easier like even getting his mail forwarded to my house. because I wasn't a beneficiary I couldn't forward his mail!!! My DH and I went out and got a living trust after that experience.

    Amy, all these tragedies and heartache can also be learning experiences. The advice in your post is some we should all listen to. Hugs to you.

  2. Amy - I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my only grandfather (and my last grandparent) less than a year ago. It was also rather unexpected. And my mom (and her siblings) are still dealing with his estate (such as ii is). I can definitely relate to what you are going thru... and I'm so sorry.

  3. Amy, Sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I was just thinking about you the other night, wondering if things were ok, since I hadn't seen you around in awhile. HUGS to you.

  4. Amy, I am so very sorry for the loss of your Grandfather. Hope things will get settled soon and back to normal. too bad there has to be drama.
    take care hun!
    {Scrappy hugz} Cami

  5. Amy I am so sorry to hear about your loss. ((hugs))
