Wednesday, June 25, 2008

bama or bust.


we are heading down to alabama tomorrow.  hubby's family reunion is saturday, i can't wait.  it's going to be a long drive (10 hrs.) with a 3 yr old so we are heading out at night in hopes he will sleep most of the way.  i will be prepared either way with activities, snacks, movies and the wii!!! lol

i'll be back with photos to share first of the week. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

garage sale.

Danell 122.1 garage sales and stormy weather don't go well together. lol  our sale was closed early saturday due to mother nature.  in all it wasn't that bad of a sale with friday fairing well.

i'm sitting here making this entry when i SHOULD be scrapping.  i've been in a slump and i'm slowly crawling out of it.  hope to share something soon. :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

soccer. neice. photoshop.

Everyday 016.1 Everyday 010 Everyday 004

My boy, Lake, finished up his soccer season this past weekend.  I know he is mine and as a mother I have to brag on him but seriously....we didn't have the best coach....or very active players but my guy, he rocked the soccer field.  There were about 3 team players that really carried the team this season...ironically, they all had red hair (well, my son has somewhat redish hair, lol).  I couldn't be prouder of him and how hard he played.  I felt every shin kick, knee in gut and knock down that he experienced. ouch.

Amy 013

My cutie niece, Alexis is turning 3 today.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!  Did I ever mention I'm her favorite Auntie! lol :)


I should have my hands on this fun package any day now.  I had debated and debated on what photo enhancing program to buy and settled on this one.  I can't imagine how long it will take me to learn it but I'm game. :) 

Oh, if anyone has masted it and would like to share tips please let me know....or even if you know of a great online tutorial I would appreicate it. :)

have a creative day!