Monday, June 2, 2008

soccer. neice. photoshop.

Everyday 016.1 Everyday 010 Everyday 004

My boy, Lake, finished up his soccer season this past weekend.  I know he is mine and as a mother I have to brag on him but seriously....we didn't have the best coach....or very active players but my guy, he rocked the soccer field.  There were about 3 team players that really carried the team this season...ironically, they all had red hair (well, my son has somewhat redish hair, lol).  I couldn't be prouder of him and how hard he played.  I felt every shin kick, knee in gut and knock down that he experienced. ouch.

Amy 013

My cutie niece, Alexis is turning 3 today.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!  Did I ever mention I'm her favorite Auntie! lol :)


I should have my hands on this fun package any day now.  I had debated and debated on what photo enhancing program to buy and settled on this one.  I can't imagine how long it will take me to learn it but I'm game. :) 

Oh, if anyone has masted it and would like to share tips please let me know....or even if you know of a great online tutorial I would appreicate it. :)

have a creative day!


  1. YAY Amy - U got it ! U know if u have any questins at all u can can always ask me. Im no expert but I can get around. :' )

  2. It's fun when you know how to enhanc your photos! I don't know PSE but I learned how to use paint shop pro all by myself a few years ago. Now I take an online course in photoshop CS3. I think the best way to learn is to do tutorials tutorials and tutorials. That works far better for me than trying to read a book and testing. There are a lot of free PSE tutorials on the net just google and you'll find more than you can try :)

  3. Love the photos Amy and yay for Lake on rockin' the field! Proud Mama moment!! And happy b-day to your little niece...she's a cutie :D congrats on the purchase of your PS...GOOD LUCK. I got the PS CS3 version and I suck. Still trying to figure the darn thing out. I've just gotten to the point I am just trying to get my pics from the camera done right and only having to use PS when I if you learn any new tricks ...pass them on to me...:D

  4. Have fun with PSE 6. I have 5 and LOVE it!

  5. Oh great pics Miss Amy!!! CONGRATS to Lake! (I LOVE HIS NAME, have I ever told you that? Oh my gosh!)
    HEY I just got this too...wanna learn together? LOL!

  6. ok love your son's name! congrats on a great season!
    can't wait for you to get your photoshop in!
    and don't you just love being an aunt???

  7. ok love your son's name! congrats on a great season!
    can't wait for you to get your photoshop in!
    and don't you just love being an aunt???

  8. Oh, you have every right be a proud Mommy...that's cool! Great pics and I love the soccer layout you did of him as's Awesome!!!!

  9. oh, your niece has grown into such a cutie...I remember you sharing when she was born :) Now is she a big sister to the new little niece?
    I just got that PSE6 as well but haven't opened it yet! gah, I get so behind!!! You'll have to let us know what you think :)
