Sunday, June 22, 2008

garage sale.

Danell 122.1 garage sales and stormy weather don't go well together. lol  our sale was closed early saturday due to mother nature.  in all it wasn't that bad of a sale with friday fairing well.

i'm sitting here making this entry when i SHOULD be scrapping.  i've been in a slump and i'm slowly crawling out of it.  hope to share something soon. :)


  1. Hola Miss Amy! Long time girl! Sorry bout that....I've been such a slacker :(

  2. Sux about the rain but at least it sounds like you had a decent sale on Friday. I have never had much luck with Garage Sales and have since vowed to never do them again! LOL - hope you get out of that slump! can't wait to see what you create! hugs!
