Wednesday, July 30, 2008

he can do anything...

Josh & brody

Josh built 1

Josh built 2  

i seriously think he can!  i'm sure most women would think that of their husbands. :)  Josh has mad skills when it comes to building something out of wood.  i also love his eye for perfection.  he built this glider bench in a matter of a couple afternoons.  i seen one someone had sat out to the curb that was seriously rotted away and mentioned that i would like one.  he's amazing and he's MINE. :)

do you have one? ;)


  1. I have a great husband....wish I could get him to build me one of these though!!!

  2. how beautiful! and all you had to do was mention it! great hubby of yours!

  3. have one of what? the amazing husband or glider bench?? lol
    I do think my hubby is pretty fantastic as well but I don't have a glider bench. hehehee
    The bench is awesome..he really did an AMAZING job!!
