Saturday, July 19, 2008

vintage find.

ok, i didn't go far to find this vintage window pane.  hubby was installing a floor in our untouched attic and found a couple items that were stored up there from previous owners.  this window (so wish i had gotten a before pic) was painted off white (which was chipping off).  i had to scrub and scrape the windows as they were extremely dirty and the paint was rather thickly blotched around the glass. oh, did i mention the broken piece too?  it was an easy fix....i had hubby cut the end off where the broken pane was and pulled out the middle trim piece to give it an appearance of having "legs".  i then painted the whole frame a satin black.  tada....i have a leaning un-defined picture frame(s).  i LOVE it.  what do ya think?

Everyday 020

Everyday 017  p.s. yes that is mauve carpet. :(  it's on our list of updates this fall. :) lol


  1. I love it!! And i'm so jealous, i've been after one of those myself! Love all the photos you have framed and hanging!

  2. I think it is beyond fabulous!!! so much so that if you were my sister, I would *steal* it from you! lol
    and I love your living room and decor too...very very cute! and the mauve carpet actually looks really good in that room. I know whatyou mean about updates too tho, our living room carpet is very much needs to be updates as well :)

  3. What a fun find! It looks great!

  4. You have been awarded a blog award!!
    Com see my site to check it out :)

  5. oh it's gorgeous Amy, love all your pics!!!

  6. Love this window frame! I've been meaning to do one of these for the house!
