Sunday, October 18, 2009

quick update for now...

life is just busy right now.  with colds/flu traveling around a BIG circle in our family i haven't had much time for anything else.  halloween is around the corner and i have YET to get a final decision on the kiddos costumes. sigh.  no worries as i've pulled them outta my *uugghhmmm* rear at the last minute before. lol

i'm doing some preping for my middle kiddo (Lake)'s 11th birthday that is coming up this weekend.  we've decided on a wii themed party so i am excited to add all the fun touches.  i can't help but have Christmas in the back of my head these days.  parents are starting to call me and request gift list ideas and it's putting the pressure on me.  they all know i will NEVER give them a list for myself but i do try to help them with my kiddos.  i am so proud that when i started asking my kiddos for ideas for the grandparents they were ungreedy and only made general suggestions but reassured me they didn't really need anything. sigh =]

i'm getting into the creative groove these days but still have trouble scrapping.  i think because i have lost touch with the latest things going on in the scrap community that it's made me a little 'gun shy' but i will come around.  i think a quick trip to Michael's or my lss will do the trick.

if you haven't seen me around you can find me on facebook, twitter or through email.  i'm currently working on a refurbishing blog and hope to share very soon. it's a fun hobby the hubby and i have been enjoying this year.  it's actually helped us financially along this 8 month PLUS layoff we endured.  no worries, it has ended over a month ago and we are well on our way to being stable that feels good! =]

be back soon...

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