Monday, September 26, 2005


Well, I think I mentioned that my daughter made the grade school swing choir. We are very excited for her because tonight she has her first preformance on stage at our local fair. She had to dress in uniform for school today to practice for some classes.

Our pumpkins are cut and lit! We visited a farm and Sydnee, Lake, & Brody picked out their own pumpkin (well, Brody had some help). lol

Check back because there will be some FUN fair photos to share.

Friday, September 23, 2005

uugghhh the holidays...

yep, they are approaching. I've started christmas shopping. Nothing major, just picking up things here and there. My son has a birthday right before halloween. Then there is halloween, where I am conversing with my 9 yr. old daughter about her wanting to be something gothic. {rolling eyes here}. I believe we are going to start a new tradition starting this year. We will make a visit to the pumpkin patch this weekend. I've always just picked up my pumpkins and fall foilage at the local farmers market (which consists of a block long of sidewalk that local farmers set up their 'goods' between the hours of 8a-12noon, two days a week. I want some good memories for this fun holiday. Wow, I just realized that turkey day is coming! Do you ever ask yourself 'why we mostly eat turkey only on thanksgiving'? Sure I fix a turkey breast maybe once or twice a year otherwise but a great dinner like would think we would want that more often. Ok, not that we NEED it. lol

Now, scrapping...I made this handmade matchbook for a offer to an online scrap friend. It's a surprise to her (unless she sees this before her package gets there). I've already started another one with some cute Junkitz papers.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

geesh...where does time go?

ok, I've been slacking. I believe Fall is finally approaching. It has been in the 70's here the last few days. I'm soooo ready! Nothing too exciting going on here other then awaiting our annual city fair that is the last week of this month. Then there is halloween coming up...decision, decisions. What to wear, what to wear?! Tonight was a little scary, Sydnee has an accident on her bike at the park. Long story short, several other children were 'racing' through the park and she turned to look at another one and ran smack into a big tree. Eye witnesses said her bike actually was going up the tree! She is banged up pretty bad. We will see how she is feeling in the morning. I'm a little worried about her arm but there aren't many physical marks. We might be making a trip to the doctor in the morning. Ahhhhh....motherhood. lol

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

hum drum...

nothing exciting going on here. i'm waiting for fall to actually kick in. it was rather warm today. i want to break out my hoodies. lol i need to start thinking about xmas shopping, but i still need to get my kid's halloween costumes decided on first. i'm watching dateline on tv about the Katrina aftermath. it's extremely heartbreaking. i wish i were closer to help. my hubby doesn't think they would send people clear up here to stay or i would consider it. i'm donating supplies to a local organization that is making a "run" down there. i just wish i could help more. on another note, i wish i could get my scrapping groove back. i'm sitting here with groupings of possible layouts. i have the papers, embellies, ribbon, etc...but just can't seem to just throw them together. lol help! i need scrappy encouragement. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Oh yippie...

I woke up with a cold coming on this morning. I noticed my daughter with the 'sniffles' a couple days ago. I should have known I would get it. Which means, the baby will get it and if anyone has had a little one...thats the worst when you can't clear your nose or throat yourself. The holiday weekend is approaching and for Auburn that means many many antique cars in town. Yep, Auburn is know for the Labor Day Auburn, Cord, Duesenburg Festival. Basically consists of wealthy older people pulling into town this week with money coming out of their ears to purchase antique autos at the 'worlds biggest antique auto auction'. We get over 300 thousand out of town guests just for a week. The cars are pretty but I'm not 'into them'. I do enjoy the fleamarkets, icecream socials, party tents, & etc. that come with the festivities. I like it because it is a sign that Fall is here. Ahhhh, my FAV-O-RITE season.

On another note, I have been watching the news lately about all the devistating happenings surrounding this hurricane, Katrina. I heard on the radio this morning that they were 'shipping' people to Houston, Texas and at some point they had to turn them away because their dome was over full! With that many people in one place with no money you don't stop and think how they are trying to figure out how to feed, cloth, care for all of them. :( I can't help but think that all of this is somehow a bigger picture of God's plan. The bigger tragic events that have been happening lately...9-11, Tsunami, Iraq, etc...what will happen next???