Thursday, September 15, 2005

geesh...where does time go?

ok, I've been slacking. I believe Fall is finally approaching. It has been in the 70's here the last few days. I'm soooo ready! Nothing too exciting going on here other then awaiting our annual city fair that is the last week of this month. Then there is halloween coming up...decision, decisions. What to wear, what to wear?! Tonight was a little scary, Sydnee has an accident on her bike at the park. Long story short, several other children were 'racing' through the park and she turned to look at another one and ran smack into a big tree. Eye witnesses said her bike actually was going up the tree! She is banged up pretty bad. We will see how she is feeling in the morning. I'm a little worried about her arm but there aren't many physical marks. We might be making a trip to the doctor in the morning. Ahhhhh....motherhood. lol


  1. Oh Amy! Poor Sydney! I hope nothing too serious. I can't even believe the end of September is upon us...these months are going by too quick. Hugs!!

  2. Hope she is feeling better. I have been there with the worry. Heather had a really bad bike accident when she was about 6. We were out camping, and the only thing that kept me from running her to the emergency room was that we had a nurse camping with us, who took care of her and made sure nothing was broken, or a concussion. Her face looked like someone had beat up on her for weeks. Kept getting the strangest looks when we would go shopping. Thank goodness it never left a scar. But it can be scary.

  3. oh wow.. I'm sorry to see her poor little face in that condition. Hope she heals up quickly.
