Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My son is 7!

Just a quick pic of my son, Lake during his birthday party sunday.

Scrappy help with a PLUS!

That title makes you want to know more....doesn't it??? lol Well, I have recently found an awsome scrapping website with a FANTASTIC group of scrappers who are very caring, sincere, fun, outgoing, etc, etc, etc! Check it out and see for yourself - What I am asking is that IF you join please use my name. I am trying to share this wonderful site while competing for a prize. If I can get 5 members to join, and post 5 times I will qualify. Now, I could have just talked you into joining and not tell you my motive but I also want you to join if you are interested in joining a great group of ladies. This up and coming site has a fabulous monthly kit club, contest, and an owner who is very active with the whole site! Can't wait to see you there!!! *scrappy hugs*

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good News!

I was asked to be on a DT. It was because another girl had to step down. I'm still excited!!! I'm also going to be a Guest Designer for another site but can't say just yet. I'm moderating for a scrapbooking site also. So....I'm rather busy now. Not too much else is going on around here. My middle childs birthday is coming up and we are celebrating this sunday with family and friends. Parent/Teacher conferences are starting soon. I never really have anything negative in that area, the kid's love school and do very well. My daughter is tyrying out for a christmas play. We will see how that goes next week. On another note, I got some fun new scrapping embellishments and can't wait to use them!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I'm feeling "scrappy"!

I just recently ended a term on a design team and thought I was taking a break for awhile but some things are coming up! I guess I got a scrapping bug due to the great fall weather. hehe I will share more soon on that. I have actually been scrapping up a storm lately. I have several layouts that I will be scanning soon.

Things are going good around here. I have been cleaning/sorting/re-arranging things around the house. For some crazy reason I have decided to switch my kid's rooms around. lol This entails painting! I think I bit off more then I WANTED to chew. lol I have a birthday boy that I need to get ready for. Lake will be 7 on Oct. 26th. He has been talking about this scooter that a friend down the street has. hmmm....ideas popping up! I gotta get shopping!