Sunday, January 22, 2006

work in progress...

I'm sitting here today with time to scrap/create but can I, no. My space is on my mind. I have started remodling this room and I have some fun ideas but things just aren't falling into place. I have shelves to put up, filing cabinets to organize, and new product still in bags! Someday...sigh.

baby gone....TODDLER heeeeerrreeee!

What a day! How overwhelming it is to have your last 'baby' turn 1! I honestly was not ready for this. His birthday was wonderful. Our home was filled with family and Brody was soooo spoiled with gifts. A day later, he still doesn't know what to play with first. lol This will definately be a fun year. He is walking on his own almost constantly. Am I the only one that has a problem with this???? lol Happy Birthday Brody Bug! {hugs&kisses}

Monday, January 9, 2006

New year in order?!?

I'm trying my hardest to get my new year in order. I'm making plans for the year...including; vacations, home remolding, personal goals, and more! I feel great about 2006. It's rolling along fairly fast though. This is the year I'm going to purge and be clutter free. I'm ready for it. I want life to be simple and care free. I can't wait.

I've been scrapping some. I have ideas and I start layouts (or more so...throw product options together) but don't make the time to actually finish things. sigh... I strongly want to pursue more scrapping goals this year and really desire to be published atleast once. Who doesn't want to see their creative work in publication?!?

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

mean FACE!?!?

When you ask my (almost one year old) son to make a mean face this is what ya get! He is a hoot! He is starting to randomly walk away from furniture and babbling more and more. Yes, he has attitude but that was inevitable (sp) since both parents have a lil'. lol His birthday is in a few weeks and this makes me sad. Mostly since he is it....the last one! {sigh} OK, enough sulking, can you imagine what our year is going to be many toddler first! I'm sure you'll see his face around here again, and again,

Monday, January 2, 2006

It's a NEW year!

I hope everyone has great expectations for this new year! I know I do! 2005 came and went soooo fast (in my opinion). I started off the first day of the new year with my daughter (1st child) turning 10! Well, honestly, that hurt! lol I guess time will heal. I need to get my goals listed and in front of me so I can plan and prepare to accomplish them. Hope everyone has a positive outlook! {hugs}