Monday, January 9, 2006

New year in order?!?

I'm trying my hardest to get my new year in order. I'm making plans for the year...including; vacations, home remolding, personal goals, and more! I feel great about 2006. It's rolling along fairly fast though. This is the year I'm going to purge and be clutter free. I'm ready for it. I want life to be simple and care free. I can't wait.

I've been scrapping some. I have ideas and I start layouts (or more so...throw product options together) but don't make the time to actually finish things. sigh... I strongly want to pursue more scrapping goals this year and really desire to be published atleast once. Who doesn't want to see their creative work in publication?!?


  1. You go girl...rock those goals!!!
    I'll keep my fingers & toes crossed for ya on the getting published! wouldn't that be so wonderful!!! I know you can, you have the talent definitely. I think alot of the times it's just a certain thing they are looking for at a certain time. Can I stay stitching, stitching, stitching...OMG! i got my memory makers today & just about every single LO is stitched. That has really taken a giant step in scrapbooking mankind...whew! Good luck Amy, I will be hoping for ya too. you deserve it :)

  2. good luck! I hope you get published like you want :)

  3. Dude I should go clutter free too! good luck on all your goals!
