Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ok, it might not appear to be much to most but we got 4-5 inches of snow over the last couple days. This is really our first snow of the year. The windchill is -10 below, strong winds keeping the snow afloat. I'm sitting here watching my little guy play "doctor" with Curious George. lol He LOVES his George.

I've been browsing scrappy sites gaining inspiration and loving all the new sneak peaks from CHA. It has motivated me to get some pressing tasks done so I can scrap! Anyone have any interior decorating ideas that are new and exciting and they want to share??? I have plenty of experience as an interior designer in the past but have lost out on the current trends and ideas. I have been browsing decor sites and have SOME ideas but I want MORE! So if you have a yummy site you want to share or an idea please pop me an email or post here. Thanks bunches!!!! {huggers}

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

my baby is 2!

Yep, Brody is 2 now. Life is rapidly going by. We've had so many changes going on in our family lately that I still haven't had time to stop and take it all in. Nothing outragously special...just life stuff. Just seems it happened all at once. I'm ready for this new year. I need it! I have resolutions that I hope to put into play very soon.

I miss scrapping! I have disk after disk of photos to show off. Not sure what is stopping me....maybe it's time.

Hope all my scrappy friends are doing well. I'm off here to go read up on you all!



Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hello to the new YEAR!

Wow, have I been MIA! I spent about 8 weeks fighting pneumonia. I've never been seriously sick before in my life and never want to again...very scary stuff. Holidays came and went and all was good. I'm so psyched for this up coming year to unfold. Hubby leaves tonight for a 10 day training in Georgia. Then returns home for 2 weeks and then gone again for 10 days. He happily quit his previous job last friday and begins work on the Norfolk Southern Railroad, January 8th. This will open up so many more possibilities for us. We plan to own our own business, find a larger home that fits US, and enjoy life a little more.

Scrapping has been put on the back burner but my camera continues to be used daily so I am hoping to refresh my stash with some yummy new products soon and start sharing my layouts.

Hope all is well with everyone that is reading this. Miss connecting with my scrappy friends and need desparately to catch up on their lives/happenings as well. HUGS to all!