Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hello to the new YEAR!

Wow, have I been MIA! I spent about 8 weeks fighting pneumonia. I've never been seriously sick before in my life and never want to again...very scary stuff. Holidays came and went and all was good. I'm so psyched for this up coming year to unfold. Hubby leaves tonight for a 10 day training in Georgia. Then returns home for 2 weeks and then gone again for 10 days. He happily quit his previous job last friday and begins work on the Norfolk Southern Railroad, January 8th. This will open up so many more possibilities for us. We plan to own our own business, find a larger home that fits US, and enjoy life a little more.

Scrapping has been put on the back burner but my camera continues to be used daily so I am hoping to refresh my stash with some yummy new products soon and start sharing my layouts.

Hope all is well with everyone that is reading this. Miss connecting with my scrappy friends and need desparately to catch up on their lives/happenings as well. HUGS to all!


  1. amy! WoWzers - glad that you are feeling MUCH better now! how cool that your hubby is going to work for NSR - we love trains - will he be an engineer that gets to 'drive' a train!? hang in there and best wishes for the new year! hugs, rach

  2. YAY! Your back :-)
    Sorry you were sick for so long. glad your feeling better.

  3. I've been thinking of you!! Sorry to here you've been sick. Big hugs!!
