Wednesday, July 30, 2008

he can do anything...

Josh & brody

Josh built 1

Josh built 2  

i seriously think he can!  i'm sure most women would think that of their husbands. :)  Josh has mad skills when it comes to building something out of wood.  i also love his eye for perfection.  he built this glider bench in a matter of a couple afternoons.  i seen one someone had sat out to the curb that was seriously rotted away and mentioned that i would like one.  he's amazing and he's MINE. :)

do you have one? ;)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

vintage find.

ok, i didn't go far to find this vintage window pane.  hubby was installing a floor in our untouched attic and found a couple items that were stored up there from previous owners.  this window (so wish i had gotten a before pic) was painted off white (which was chipping off).  i had to scrub and scrape the windows as they were extremely dirty and the paint was rather thickly blotched around the glass. oh, did i mention the broken piece too?  it was an easy fix....i had hubby cut the end off where the broken pane was and pulled out the middle trim piece to give it an appearance of having "legs".  i then painted the whole frame a satin black.  tada....i have a leaning un-defined picture frame(s).  i LOVE it.  what do ya think?

Everyday 020

Everyday 017  p.s. yes that is mauve carpet. :(  it's on our list of updates this fall. :) lol

Thursday, July 17, 2008

up all night.

that was me and my sister...we scrapped the night away.  i managed to finish two layouts and a 16 page mini book! :)



Monday, July 7, 2008

the 4th.

the past weekend was pretty fun.  although hubby had to work we did get to have him put on the firework display in our driveway on saturday night.  we went to a nearby state park to eat, play and swim in the lake. 

4thofJuly009-14thofJuly021-1 4thofJuly022-1 4thofJuly049-14thofJuly023-1 Everyday018-1 Everyday023-1 Everyday024-1

Sunday, July 6, 2008

i won!

...a rak at an awsome new challenge blog started by Shawna.  my layout (posted a few entries below) was instantly inspired by the piece of art that was shared over at Scrap Schemes.  go check out all the creative inspiration over there from their dt!


do you have anyone down your family line that was famous or did something remarkable?  i recently found out that a 4x Great Uncle named Lewis Everett Scott was a known baseball player back in the early 1900's.  he started off playing for the Red Sox and then went to the New York Yankees.  it's been insightful learning about him.  i even was able to get my hands on a copy of some VERY old home video footage of him and found out he was friends with Babe Ruth!  i have been looking around online and learning a bit more each time.  i plan to really dig deep and find out as much as i can soon.  what do you know about your family?

Everett Scott

Everett scott1

(he is the second one from left)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

challenge blog inspiration.

i was inspired by Scrap Scheme's first challenge and this is what i came up with...


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

been there and back.

we seriously enjoyed our visit to Alabama.  it was bittersweet heading home.  Brody still is talking about things down his favorite uncle Mike, great-grandma's house and the hotel we stayed at. lol

since we've been back i have been in a creative mood and after going through my supplies and organizing a bit i'm scrapping again...which is a first in probably a month. :)