Tuesday, January 27, 2009

wow...CHA is upon us...

Now, for you 'non scrapbookers' {ouch that is hard to think there are peeps out there that DON'T scrap}...CHA stands for Craft & Hobby Association shows.  I haven't been too into seeing what all is coming out as the economy has my up-most attention right now but a few of my FAV-O-RITE manufacturers have some fun things going on with their sites and PAPER TRUNK is one of 'em.

Go visit them to check out the yummy-goodness they are giving away!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

i've gone.....Etsy! :)

Yep, I've started an Etsy shop along with a billion other crafty people. hehe

Artsy Gifts by WilgesHouse

I'm continuing to list items as I still need to take photos, edit, etc...but I've gotten a couple things in there.  If you have an etsy shop please share the link in the comments...I love to "Etsy". :)

***here are a few images of things i have listed.



Monday, January 19, 2009


my baby is turning 4 on wednesday {Jan. 21st}. :(  we had his Cars themed party {his choice} yesterday and he had a blast playing with family and friends. :)  just what every child needs....MORE toys a month after Christmas. ha!

Brody's birthday 004.5 

Brody's birthday 008.5  

Brody's birthday 024.5  

Brody's birthday 382.5  

Thursday, January 15, 2009

love me some february!

i guess with my anniversary and valentines wrapped into one i feel more warm and fuzzy inside this month! :) i was lounging in bed with my scrappy mags and these two ideas came to me this evening so i jumped up and whipped them up. lol  i had been thinking of ideas for my son to take to school for his classmates and his teacher.  of course i will have random embellies on the origami treat holder as i have 18 to make but they will be cute all the same! :)


V-day goodie box.5 

V-day goodie box2.5   

V-day goodie box3.5 

Origami treat holder.5 

Origami treat holder2.5 

Origami treat holder3.5

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

input needed.

i have been searching for ideas of what my hubby {whom is a woodcraftsman} could make/build while he his off work...due to slow-down/possibly layoff. :(  he isn't one to just sit around and he has already built two ladder style shelving units.  i've browsed Pottery Barn and few other 'hip' furniture places but am at a loss to what people actually might be looking for.

have you bought something recently?  are you currantly looking for a certain style storage type furniture or maybe a mudd bench?  i'm just looking for ideas, i'm not trying to sell anything. :)

i will be sure to share pics soon.  i am staining some things and painting others.  any input would be greatly appreciated!

on another note:  my kiddos have been enjoying the snow we continue to get.  we are under a blizzard watch tonight. joy! lol

Brody n syd 09.1 

Lake 09.1


Sunday, January 11, 2009

recent stuff.

yeah, yeah...i finally got around to uploading some of the work i've done lately. :)





*if you want to see some close ups please check out my layout album to the left!

have a creative day! 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"200" Contest...

 come check out where i've been hanging out.  they are having a contest and if you participate you get entered into a drawing to win a KIT of your choice from their store!!! 

The Mosy Scrapper

i'll be back here soon to share a few layouts i've done.  i've gotta get my booty in gear to get them scanned and uploaded. :)


Thursday, January 1, 2009

it's a NEW year!

Happy New Year! 

it is also my first child, my only daughter's 13th birthday!  it's been a bittersweet day around here.

Baby syd

i guess i totally passed up a post about our holiday.  everything went well and our whole family had a great visit with family and friends.

Christmas morning2 08.50 

Christmas morning3 08.50  

Christmas morning 08.50  

 i loved this note that the kids (together) came up with for santa when they left him this treat.

" Thanks for the presents and we all hope you have a good night.  Oh yeah, and we hope you enjoy the cookies and milk." 

it was too cute watching them huddle at the kitchen counter coming up with something "good" to say. ha.

For santa 

wishing all my blog readers a wonderful new year.  i sure am looking forward to one. :)

