Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Wednesday is MY day...

Wednesdays are my days off from my part time job. I only work M, T, T, & F (3pm-530pm) & Sat. (8am-4pm). I enjoy my job. I work just enough to get a break from my daily routine and just enough to make me miss my family. The extra money doesn't hurt for my scrapping ventures either. lol I do tend to clean some on wednesdays but today I guess I just got lucky and my house isn't trashed. lol Not sure how that happened. I will be scrapping a little today and then going in to talk to the owner of my lss.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

My weekend events...

This was the weekend that I held a suprise party for my mother. She is turning 50. It was a luau and I think it turned out well. I have plenty of photos to scrap and great memories to journal. Mom was totally suprised and tears flowed. Family came from out of town. Weather was fantastic. I spent my sunday cleaning up after the fun. Ok, I think i'm going to scrap now.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Yep, my daugher made the swing choir! I'm totally excited for her. I had to take a photo of her daily assignment journal where she wrote a note down near the bottom that said "I made DuesenCords!" and it was highlighted in pink...too cute. I'm going to journal about her asking me to drop her off a few minutes early to the main school doors so she can go see who made the cut. So...after waiting ALL day I picked her up (not wanting to bring it up first) and waited for her to say something about it. That little brat waited several minutes and said (with a straight face) "mom, did you forget to ask me something?". I played dumb, "no, should I ask you something?". She kept on until I seen a little smirk. She MADE it! I'm super proud of her cuz she is usually so quiet and she never speaks up (certainly NOT like her mother, hehe). Not everyone made it and I can imagine how they felt and their parents! This has certainly been a great week!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bragging rights!

oooooooooooooooh my goodness! I made a 'pit stop' at my lss today after picking up my children from school. As I was checking out I was asking the owner about some new product. I think I surprise her that I am so up to date on name brands and what is coming out, etc. Out of the blue she asks me if I'm interested in doing some design work for her. Well, what that amounted to was free product for showcasing my own layouts. My reaction....well, I wanted to drop my chin to the floor but I calmly said I would be interested. She explained that she wasn't totally set on what she needed and expected but I was the first that came to her mind. I'm on cloud nine. It's one thing to enter a contest or ask about an opportunity but to totally have someone come after you...thats a HUGE compliment! Ok, I stepped off my cloud for a bit. I have to run now, my daughter is trying out for her grade school swing choir. I'm truly nervous for her because she isn't the loudest or outgoing of all children. I encouraged her to give it all she had because they explained that not everyone would get picked. I don't want this to be the first experience of dealing with rejection. Well, there never will be a time when I'm ready for that.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

How exciting!

I'm rather elated today because my hubby has a job opportunity to work for the railroad NFS! This may not seem exciting to others but when his annual income more than doubles and this produces business opportunities for us then I believe others can understand a little. We find out tomorrow if our future will change for the better. Of course I'm day dreaming of all the possibilities of getting things we have wanted and needed. Ok, I'm back to reality for a few...I'm feverishly working on a few deadlines I have with the design team I'm on. Yes, I'm a procrastinator...surprise!!! lol And...you know that rut I thought I was out of? Well, I wasn't exactly OUT. I'm getting there but It's hard to force myself to accomplish a good quality layout. uugghhh, help!?!! lol

Monday, August 22, 2005

Getting my inspiration back...

I recently created this layout. For about two months prior I had a bit of a creative block. This is my daughter, Sydnee. It describes how facinated she is with bugs. There will be more layouts to come...

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Awaiting Fall...

My favorite season is Fall! Just cool enough to wear that favorite comfy hoodie and those worn out levis. I enjoy being outside more too. We have many trees in our yard so leaf raking is a continuing duty. The kids love to help (well some lol) and the dogs enjoy running through the piles. Ok, back to reality...today is the 21st and that means my baby Brody is 7 months old. He is starting to look like a little man. Each month I take his picture on the 21st. Here is todays captured moment...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Time flies...

WOW, I just turned 32! Ok, well, I did on the 16th of August. It just hit me though. lol I went to apply my makeup today and I noticed ALL my wrinkles. Sigh...I guess that is life. I got this big burst of energy to start remodling my house. My problem is that I start a project and then get interested in the next one BEFORE I'm done with the first. Hubby isn't thrilled by this. I have a 7 month old baby who is teething and crawling. I realized the other day that I was done producing children. This decision was made upon his birth but like my age thing...stuff hits me later. Well, I'm on a design team and I need to get a few projects done before this weekends up. I will share some photographs soon of different things. Maybe let you all in on how I live and what kind of messes I can produce.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Might as well put it online...

I randomly journal by hand on occasion. Seems these days I spend an abundant amount of time online. Scrapbooking has become more of a passion to me over the last couple years. I do the whole "eat, sleep, & dream" scrapbook possibilities.

Lets see...Where do I begin this blog. Do I tell you that I am happily married to my best friend, Joshua? Or that I have these three unique children? What about my desired career...Owning my own business, full fledged use of my creativy, or having to NOT worry finacially? I don't really want to do the "typical day" entry. I think I will choose to share my random thoughts on my memories or the scrapbooking industry. This is what I will do.