Saturday, August 20, 2005

Time flies...

WOW, I just turned 32! Ok, well, I did on the 16th of August. It just hit me though. lol I went to apply my makeup today and I noticed ALL my wrinkles. Sigh...I guess that is life. I got this big burst of energy to start remodling my house. My problem is that I start a project and then get interested in the next one BEFORE I'm done with the first. Hubby isn't thrilled by this. I have a 7 month old baby who is teething and crawling. I realized the other day that I was done producing children. This decision was made upon his birth but like my age thing...stuff hits me later. Well, I'm on a design team and I need to get a few projects done before this weekends up. I will share some photographs soon of different things. Maybe let you all in on how I live and what kind of messes I can produce.

1 comment:

  1. hehe well I'd be lying if I said it DIDN'T comfort me to know you'll always be older than I! LOL!!! Can't wait to see your new layouts!!
