Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Design Team desires...

Well with a busy start of summer with my children beckoning my constant attention I have had to put my artistic wants on the back burner. I'm trying to split myself in two for a bit so I can focus on a couple design teams I would love to be on. I will not speak too much about them for fear of jinxing myself. hehe


  1. I can sympathize with ya here! I tried scrappnig all day today with many wonderful interruptions from my kiddos!

  2. Oh, geesh, tell me about it...I only got one thing done yesterday scrappy-wise! Good luck on the DT stuff!!!

  3. Good Luck Amy! You deserve it girl!

  4. Good luck Amy! I hope you do make it, you would be an asset to any DT you are on.

  5. Good luck, Amy! You can do it!

  6. Goodluck girl! Hope you get the teams you want ;)
