Wednesday, June 21, 2006


i have it. my daughter has it. my baby has it. my son is getting it today. somehow hubby hasn't gotten it YET! i guess that is a good thing considering it made him able to go on a late night grocery trip for 7up and soup. i don't remember being so violently sick before. it's day 3 and my body aches and i haven't eaten much of anything. it's even harder trying to care for a 1 1/2 year old while i'm sick. hubby helps when he is home. i missed applying for a dt i wanted to try for but i guess this is a sign. lol (well, it sounded good anyway. tee hee) i can't sit up very long so i will keep this short. i don't wish this flu on anyone. stay healthy!


  1. Sorry to hear you and your kids aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. {{{HUGS}}}

  2. I hope you and your family get well soon! thinking of you!

  3. I guess you all are feeling better by now, but man, that sucks! I'm so sorry! This whole house went thru the same thing back in November, the week of Thanksgiving. I feel your pain!
