Friday, June 23, 2006

feeling scrappy lately

sorry about the bad scan...I've come to realize my scanner HATES lumpy stuff. lol These two layouts are of my baby, Brody. One I went back and found a few of his first photos to scrap and remember how sweet and innocent he was. The other is of him now, he's 1 1/2 and keeps me on my toes. My how they change! {scrappy hugs}

p.s. I'm feeling MUCH better...thanks for the well wishes girlies!


  1. Beautiful Lo's Amy :)
    I really love the paper in the first one...what is it?
    Sorry you all were sick but glad your feeling better :)

  2. Fantastic layouts! I love that first one so much! Very cool.

  3. I love the photo of your boy in the top layout - love that layout all around - great job!
