Thursday, December 18, 2008

enjoying the weather.

no doubt it's that time of year where our noses turn red, our fingers get numb and the kiddos keep saying "i want to go outside?" lol

i know i haven't blogged much but with the holidays quickly approaching my time has been limited. 

hope you and your family make the best memories EVAH this year! {hugs}

Brody winter 08.2.2 

Sydnee winter 08.2  

Lake winter 08.2  

Sunday, December 14, 2008

wedding is over.

wow, i have never been so busy around the holidays as i have this year!  i am breathing a bit easier today as my baby sister's wedding is done.  everything went well and she and her hubby surprised me today with a 'thank you' gift for planning their wedding and following it through. :)

on a sad note: shortly after leaving the church the couple (along with a couple friends) hit a deer which led to a delay in arriving to the reception and a pretty much totaled their new car. :(  surprisingly, neither one was too upset about it....which was great for all of us.  thankfully the state police waited for the tow truck to arrive and they doubled up in a couple vehicles that were following them to the reception.  what an interesting story to share later. hmmm.

just look at this gorgeous couple!

Kayla & mike happy 

Kayla happy  

Kayla & mike cake 

***i will have more photos later...these are just a few that i was able to get between overseeing the wedding. lol 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

busy times.

i'm sure that i'm not the only one with a busy schedule this time of year.  to add to my craziness, my youngest sister is getting married this coming saturday (dec. 13th).  so, being the event planner i am, i am helping her with everything!  oh help me now! lol

last weekend we attended hubby's work Christmas party...being that he works for a local railroad the kiddos were excited to see what went on.  the food was great, a little crowded but was worth it as the kiddos got to walk through an engine and caboose!  there were clowns and other activities for the kiddos as well.  good times.

Train party 1 

Train party 2  

 Train party 4 

also, since it's been snowing, hubby has made a few helpings of 'snow icecream'.  this is a family tradition he has enjoyed growing up and the kiddos love it!

Homemade ice cream   

Homemade ice cream2 

Homemade ice cream3 copy   

hope everyone is enjoying their holidays!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

r u ready?

for Christmas that is!!!! :)  i have my two trees up, a few home decor items but i'm not finished shopping or wrapping gifts YET!  hoping this weekend I will be done.

2008 tree.25   

 2008 christmas.25


please note: new carpet and crown/baseboard molding is on our tax return list. ha! ;)

holiday inspired creativity...

i've sloooowwwwwlllllyyyy been working on some holiday stuff.  here is a cute, cute mini treat package that i found the instructions to on this site!

Mini treat package.0 

Mini treat package 1.0  

Mini treat package 2.0  

then i decided to make my tags for all my gifts this year.  here are a couple of them that i will be using.  i have made about 20 so far...still need many more. lol  they are fairly simple but still more cute than the stick on tags i use to use. ;)

Handmade tags.0  

Handmade tags 2.0  

Handmade tags 3.0   

i'll be back VERY soon to share my holiday cards!!! :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

amazing cause/amazing prizes!

this link was posted by a sweet scrappy girl on a site i frequent.  i just had to share...these organizations are unbelieveable!  of course the prizes they are offering doesn't hurt to look at but if you get a chance, please visit and read about what they do. {i also will keep this in my right side column}

Monday, November 24, 2008

just a little sumthin'

i altered this clear acrylic cell phone cover this past week.  i entered it into a contest featuring Jenni Bowlin products. :)






Thursday, November 20, 2008


i was browsing the net this morning and as usual, i ended up at lol  i have layouts and altered projects in progress but i get easily distracted. :)  here are a few of my faves i found today;

larimeloom - this girl creates the most stryking pieces of clothing.  honestly, i wouldn't wear most of it as i don't feel i have the body for it but i am so drawn to her designs.  check her out!

oh, check the cutest knitted monkey flap hat out here...citefuzz designs.  those babes are sooo cute!  i have a new nephew coming so i might be selecting one of these quality hats.

i think i love the packaging as much as i do the pendant necklaces at little.bluebird.studios!

lastly...this one brought back memories of my childhood.  i LOVED strawberry shortcake!  the name of this shop it just too cute also!  trunk of prettys

ok, i gotta get back to creating.  have fun browsing etsy. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008


i just got back from shopping at a great seasonal store that is open for the holidays.  they sell overstock fundraiser items and most everything in the warehouse is $1.39!!!  well, i had heard on the radio that they had scrap supplies this year but i figured they were off brand, kit pack type deals that wouldn't interest me....boy, was i WRONG!

i didn't buy half the items they had there...i was good as i was just there to pick up stocking stuffers and little gifty extras.  i can't believe i scored these 7 gypsies stamps for that price.

did i NEED them?  no.

will i USE them?  maybe.

could i have PASSED them up?  never. lol


Score 2  

Score 3  

Score 4  

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Christmas Story...

i did NOT know that the house where the movie "A Christmas Story" had been restored....let alone fairly close to me!!!!  just a couple hours away they have this great Museum, restored house where this fabulous movie was made.  thanks to Rach, she had the link on her bloggy.  now, to see if i can talk hubby into visiting there. :)

do you watch this movie during the holidays???? we sure do!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

fall photos.

i rounded the kiddos up (two, against their will, more so, lol) and took them to a park in our town that had lots of trees.  those make for a great backdrop and can't forget about the beautiful leaves they hold in multiple shades of colors.

i also am still learning my ps7 so the photos that were more blurry i played them up more.

My three fall 08

  Syddie nov08

 Lake nov08

Brody nov 08  

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i am proud.

to be an american...yeah, it sounds kinda corny to me to hear myself "say it" but I AM.  honestly, i have NEVER voted before in my life.  nope, never.  for 17 yrs. i've chose not to vote...because i didn't understand politics.  oh, i knew i could just walk into a voting booth and pick SOMEONE....but in my heart, i couldn't do it.  not blindly choose a person to fill such a big position.  i left it up to other's who seemed educated about political things, or so i assumed.

with this election i educated myself.  i was drawn to know everything i could about the canidates at hand.  at one point over these last couple months i sat back with amazment of the eagerness i have felt within me to know so much.  i still can't tell you where that came from.  i think a tiny bit of it stems from the fact that i am getting older, realizing i have to pave the way for BETTER things for the future of my children...their children.

i've never felt that my one voice can make a difference until now.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 08

was a great success!  the kiddos had fun and all ended with no fighting, being grouchy or falling asleep!  woohoo! lol  i made my two older children's costumes so i've added comparison photos of the characters so you get an idea of where i was going with this...

My 3 halloween 08



our town has business treating before the neighborhood treating so we made our way around our square.  at this point my older son left to walk with his buddies and my daughter decided she was too old to ask for my little guy was my photo subject for awhile. lol

Daddy and brody treating   

Brody as cowboy

Friday, October 31, 2008

November Reveal at APAAT!

this is my FIRST ( and LAST) reveal for a newer scrapbooking site;A Page At A Time!  i had fun with this whimsy set of winter themed papers. :) 

TREE TIME *on these creations i used; APAAT's Stemma Collection Snowfall Stripes, Winter Flakes, Winter Words and It Takes Two Tanzanite and  Navy cardstock.  you can see these yummy papers by clicking on the names of them by being directed to the store. 





GC HOLDER here i recycled an embellishement package to make a gift card gift container.  i just happened to have an old gift card (with snoopy on it) laying around so i used it for example purposes.


IPOD CASE 2   i altered this dollar store aluminum ipod case and i am ticked to use it.  i've already got other themes in mind. :)