Thursday, May 29, 2008


are you a member?  i am.  several years ago there was a period of a couple years that i enveloped myself in music.  i listened to it whenever and where ever possible.  i really listened to the lyrics and songs that spoke to me and i played them over and over get the point. lol  music has somehow been a way for me to focus on me.  i didn't "have" music for the last few years and i've felt lost.  it's weird and hard to explain but if anyone can make sense and relate....please let me know. lol  i've been downloading mp3 files and burning disks....i'm feeling right again.  i think for myself when i have music filling my head.  i can walk my treadmill longer and my driving trips seem just centers me...calms me. 

ok, enough of that....

if you have a song.....a FAVORITE song....something that really speaks to you, would you share it with me?  thanks. :)

i'm trying to find my mojo so for now....i will leave you with this pic.  my 3 yr old decided to put a step stool (from the garage) on top of a foot stool to sit and play with his cars in the window sill. lol  boys, sheesh! ha.

Everyday 002

Sunday, May 25, 2008

new site.

i wanna share a new site that just started.  it's a challenge blog actually and it's creator, Shawna, rocks at scrappin' so i'm sure this site will rock too.  go check it out! Scrap Schemes

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

stimulus check.

Everyday 122 Everyday 121

i'm excited because this was a long time coming. lol  i had purchased a laptop a couple years ago that was gently used (less than a year old) and even though it was from a distant friend it still turned out to be junk and i have been bummed about that expense that was lost. :(  anyway, i'm excited to break out the scanner and produce some better quality images of my creations and my motivation to share more of my layouts is busting at the seams. lol

ok i'm done jumping up and down. teehee. 

i will be back VERY soon!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

did someone say...etsy?

i was BROWSING etsy (as i OFTEN do) and ran across three (1, 2, 3) fun sites for creative supplies....go forth and spend a li'l moo-laa. teehee  i plan to real soon, i am just waiting for my pocketbook to recover slightly from last week's stash-stock-up for a day long crop i attended this past saturday. 

other news.....well, there really isn't any. lol  just living life.  summer break is almost here for my kiddos and i'm ready to have them home and doing some fun family things.  we haven't camped in several years but hope to this year.  my little Brody is dying to go fishing.  i'm not sure why he has such a strong desire as we haven't done that either in YEARS but he has a child size pole and he speaks of going daily.  i don't eat fish nor do i find it entertaining to put live bait on hooks. lol  i do like being outdoors and enjoying the beautiful scenery though. :)  the zoo, picnics, family reunions, and other short fun trips are all on our 'to-do' list for this summer....what's on yours???

i will be back soon with some layouts and pics from that crop i spoke of.  take care.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

thought provoking day.

gas prices just went up today in a nearby town....$4.00 per gallon, yikes! with this, i have been thinking of what my family has been doing to preserve, conserve and just making all around better choices in how we live. i just got done reading Melody Ross' recent post.  if you get a chance, check it out and even view some of the comments.  it makes you wonder what you are doing to make things better...get us further through this "rough patch".

what are you doing, if anything?

i know i've been more conscious about recycling and using GREEN products lately.  i have been really talking it over with hubby about our next vehicle purchase and how the eco friendly cars seem more appealing lately.  i'm preparing myself to educate my kiddos more so they have respect for the environment and how their "part" is necessary for everyone to succeed.  wow, life is WORK! lol  we have never lived "above and beyond" our means but we do still try to cut back on certain things.  i won't deprive my family as i feel we only live once and if we totally stop doing everything we love to do....who's to say tomorrow won't come?  these are just my feelings.

i'm stubborn, did i ever mention that on here before???  my gas tank is almost on empty but i won't fill it...yet....sigh.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


i've been creating.  some i can't share as i am in a contest.  other stuff i uploaded to my layout album to the left here. 


it's been super nice outside lately and hubby and i have been getting some yard work done.  it's a good feeling to get things accomlished.  Lake (my middle child) has started his soccer season and is doing AWSOME!  i couldn't be a prouder soccer mom. :)  enjoy your weekend.
