Tuesday, May 13, 2008

thought provoking day.

gas prices just went up today in a nearby town....$4.00 per gallon, yikes! with this, i have been thinking of what my family has been doing to preserve, conserve and just making all around better choices in how we live. i just got done reading Melody Ross' recent post.  if you get a chance, check it out and even view some of the comments.  it makes you wonder what you are doing to make things better...get us further through this "rough patch".

what are you doing, if anything?

i know i've been more conscious about recycling and using GREEN products lately.  i have been really talking it over with hubby about our next vehicle purchase and how the eco friendly cars seem more appealing lately.  i'm preparing myself to educate my kiddos more so they have respect for the environment and how their "part" is necessary for everyone to succeed.  wow, life is WORK! lol  we have never lived "above and beyond" our means but we do still try to cut back on certain things.  i won't deprive my family as i feel we only live once and if we totally stop doing everything we love to do....who's to say tomorrow won't come?  these are just my feelings.

i'm stubborn, did i ever mention that on here before???  my gas tank is almost on empty but i won't fill it...yet....sigh.


  1. I know what you mean !!! I am ever so much more concious now ! Hey loving the bright happy new place here !

  2. I can't believe the gases prices either! I'm lucky and they are still around $3.50 where I'm at, but I'm like you and don't fill it until I can't go any further. For some reason, it makes me feel like I'm saving money when I run it down. So bad for the car *guilty*

  3. I have always tried to be considerate of recycling and reusing and cutting back, but I know there is so much more I can do. A little bit here and there really does go a long way, especially if everyone else is doing a little too. The gas prices are crazy! Yikes!

  4. Man, I hear ya on the conserving and being more conscience of it. I know we have been lately. And I soooooooooo wish I could get one of those hybrid cars. I drive a stinkin' 4x4 SUBURBAN...mind as well sign my paychecks over to the Shell station. wah...something's gotta give before we all go broke! take care! hugs -renee lamb
