Friday, October 31, 2008

November Reveal at APAAT!

this is my FIRST ( and LAST) reveal for a newer scrapbooking site;A Page At A Time!  i had fun with this whimsy set of winter themed papers. :) 

TREE TIME *on these creations i used; APAAT's Stemma Collection Snowfall Stripes, Winter Flakes, Winter Words and It Takes Two Tanzanite and  Navy cardstock.  you can see these yummy papers by clicking on the names of them by being directed to the store. 





GC HOLDER here i recycled an embellishement package to make a gift card gift container.  i just happened to have an old gift card (with snoopy on it) laying around so i used it for example purposes.


IPOD CASE 2   i altered this dollar store aluminum ipod case and i am ticked to use it.  i've already got other themes in mind. :)



Tuesday, October 28, 2008

blog candy.

hey, i ran across a scrappy chic that is giving away some scrap goodies.  please go check out Tammy's blog!

Monday, October 27, 2008

inspiration site.

a good scrappy friend of mine started an inspiration community called Outta This Funk!  come check it out...would love to see you there! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


i know i can't be alone when i say that i often search and browse around the "scrapping communities" trying to gather insite and up-to-date news and know-how only to have to bookmark atleast 4 sites to refer to!  well, this is why i started this....................

Chasing Memories NEW site

  at this is a go-to site for information reguarding the scrapbooking world.  as everything is a work in progress, but along with a couple great girls we hope to keep building it up so it meets all the needs of a scrapbooker's inquiring minds. :)

there is a gallery to share your latest creations and we will offer creative prompts as well.  As my strong focus is on informing members of latests scrapbooking/crafting news...i am open to input from anyone.  all the great things in life were NOT built by one person alone. ;)

have a wonderful day!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

i had to.

i felt this strong urge within me to share this video i ran across on an other scrapper's blog.  it centers you.

The Bridge

(i would have embedded it here if i could have figured it out)

Friday, October 17, 2008

i've been tagged.

by a sweet new scrappy friend....Tonya!

here are the rules;

Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1.  i am the oldest in my family of: 3 sisters & 1 brother

2.  i'm NOT a neat freak but i can't stand clutter of any kind. {if that makes sense}

3.  i love hands on remodeling and am always thinking of things to do to my house

4.  i love peanut butter and mayo sandwhiches...yum!

5.  i often wish that i was more of an 'outside' person but just haven't been for the last few years.

6.  in high school...i was always the friend to sides, no clicks...i liked everyone and they liked me {well, atleast i didn't think i had any enemies, lol}

7.  when i was 2 i managed to knock a standing propane tank over onto my head and had to be rushed to the hospital for stitches and all i can remember is seeing my dad's feet running down the sidewalk...he was wearing black socks.

ok now i will pick 7 scrappy peeps to send this to...








Thursday, October 16, 2008

exciting news!

i made the design team for a new little site located in Canada.  i've met some super sweet girls there so far and am stoked to be hanging out there with them.  come visit me if you get a chance.

A Page At A Time


*ETA : I have stepped down from this design team.  Thanks for the 'congrats' all the same. ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

photoshop learning.

i love learning.  ran across this site this morning and am finding it very helpful!  go check it out if you've been dragging your photoshop FEET! ha.

Monday, October 13, 2008

photo technique.

just thought i would share here a technique i've been using lately on my photos.  i especially like using it when i intend to overlap my photos on my show they are seperate.  now, i've sanded the edge of my photos for several years now but this is a bit different.  go ahead....try it, have fun {i even used this technique on my paper too}!

sanding paper {i used my emery board}
solid block or something with a sharper corner {i used an acrylic stamp block}
adhesive {optional}

1. gather a photo and something solid that has a good corner with some thickness {i'm using a smaller acrylic stamping block}.

Sanding pic 1

2. line up your photo so there is a 'over hang' to the block and this will vary depending on your photos image and how you want the finished product to look.

Sanding pic 2

3. * could add a bit of adhesive to keep your photo more in place as it will tend to move while sanding. i used repositional adhesive here.

Sanding pic 3

4. begin sanding the edge of your photo lightly so you can get the feel for how much it will remove from the edge of your photo. remember, the imperfections are what make the design more 'artsy' and fun! you can do this all the way around your photo {you will have to reposition your "block" under your photo a time or two so if you are trying to make a perfect look it may take some time to line things up as you go}.

Sanding pic 4

5. this is the finished look! it gives great deminsion to your photos and in this case, it made over lapping my photos on a layout more eye catching as they didn't blend together {see layout below}.

Sanding pic 5 

Sanding pic 6


here are a couple layouts that i did using this techique. :)






Sunday, October 12, 2008

learning photoshop.

well, awhile back i ordered a photoshop 6 program.  ended up with a couple other options shortly after (used cs2 or ps7) and decided to exchange it for photoshop 7.  i've been LOOKING at it. lol  i've been browsing sites looking for understandable instructions/tips.  i managed this today. lol

My glasses.1 

yes i'm a goober...i joke with everyone about the glasses i bought...i don't really like them but like how well they work (purpose wise). lol  i took this photo while stopped at a light...there was no one around. lol

i am determined to learn LOTS MORE with this ps7 program. 

love this season.



Monday, October 6, 2008

finger paint.

just look at my little artist!  not sure what he is THINKING in the last photo.

hope you are having a creative day!

Finger painting brody 

Finger painting brody2 

Finger painting brody3  

Sunday, October 5, 2008

pink paislee.

ok, i managed to get a bad pic here (it's late here so bad lighting) of a card i did with instructions stemming from Tina's blog!

Pink paislee card challenge 

Pink paislee 2  

check it out.

stumbled across a new little site and i've met some super sweet girls that i can't wait to get to know better.  if you get a chance stop over and check it out.  it's just getting started so join in and help make it even better.

A Page At A Time

i also put their blinky to the right of my list of scrappy site for later reference. :)


as for the card making day....i made about a dozen but i'm so darn lazy today that i never even took pics and uploaded them to any of the galleries that i participated in. lol  guess i didn't want to win anything bad enough. :)  i will share them soon....maybe tomorrow.

Friday, October 3, 2008

card day.

World Card Making Day.  i am doing this.  i don't really know a whole-heck-of-a-lot about it but i gathered this much...

SOMEBODY got together and designated the first saturday in october to kick off the holiday cardmaking season.  i've been thinking about diving more into card making lately as i often wish i had them on hand when i remember an event/occasion at last minute.  of course i have piped out cards on a moments notice but never do i feel like i've done my creative best.  sigh.

so, while continuing to think about card making i ran across this little cutie while out browsing thrift stores in town.  isn't she cute and has the greatest potential to hold a loverly cluster of handmade cards...made by ME?! ;)

Green finds 001 

Green finds 002  

 she appears to be brand new and still had the orignal gift store tag on back when i grabbed her up for a mere .75 cents!!!!!!!  i know, i know....lucky me. ;)

well, if you are madly making cards this saturday....have a creative day!