Friday, October 17, 2008

i've been tagged.

by a sweet new scrappy friend....Tonya!

here are the rules;

Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1.  i am the oldest in my family of: 3 sisters & 1 brother

2.  i'm NOT a neat freak but i can't stand clutter of any kind. {if that makes sense}

3.  i love hands on remodeling and am always thinking of things to do to my house

4.  i love peanut butter and mayo sandwhiches...yum!

5.  i often wish that i was more of an 'outside' person but just haven't been for the last few years.

6.  in high school...i was always the friend to sides, no clicks...i liked everyone and they liked me {well, atleast i didn't think i had any enemies, lol}

7.  when i was 2 i managed to knock a standing propane tank over onto my head and had to be rushed to the hospital for stitches and all i can remember is seeing my dad's feet running down the sidewalk...he was wearing black socks.

ok now i will pick 7 scrappy peeps to send this to...









  1. wow...someone else who is not an outside person! So annoying when I say I'm not and people look at me like I have 2 heads! lol
    I wouldn't say I love clutter (like who in their right mind would love it right??? lol) but I don't hate it..I might even thrive on it?!?!? I just can't maintain a clutter free house...I admire those who can :)
    PB& mayo??? intersting! lol
    Cool definitely picked some fun things and things I didn't know about you either :)

  2. lots of awesome things are going on I see!
    i will get going with my tag tomorrow! having a date night with my DH tonight!
    thanks for being so sweet!

  3. So fun learning a bit more about you. Not too sure about those peanut butter and mayo thing though. LOL!

  4. thanks for the tag girl! sounds like fun and I LOVED reading more about you! you are lucky about the propane tank! how scary!

  5. Audrey Pettit (APet)October 19, 2008 at 12:30 AM

    Fun! I haven't seen a tagging game quite like this one yet! Love your little random bits. Bet you gave your parents quite the fright with that propane tank!

  6. thanks for the tag! i'll have to remember to post this on my blog tomorrow...i'm terrible at remembering! ha

  7. I did do this on Friday and completely forgot to tell you! :)
    Hope your having a FAB day Amy!!!
