Wednesday, October 22, 2008


i know i can't be alone when i say that i often search and browse around the "scrapping communities" trying to gather insite and up-to-date news and know-how only to have to bookmark atleast 4 sites to refer to!  well, this is why i started this....................

Chasing Memories NEW site

  at this is a go-to site for information reguarding the scrapbooking world.  as everything is a work in progress, but along with a couple great girls we hope to keep building it up so it meets all the needs of a scrapbooker's inquiring minds. :)

there is a gallery to share your latest creations and we will offer creative prompts as well.  As my strong focus is on informing members of latests scrapbooking/crafting news...i am open to input from anyone.  all the great things in life were NOT built by one person alone. ;)

have a wonderful day!



  1. How FUN!! Oh hey - I'm working on your tag soon, PROMISE!

  2. What a good idea!! I'm off to have a sticky beak! ;)

  3. ooh, FABULOUS idea girl!!! I love you for doing that! coming from someone who has LIMITED time to web surf - this one stop is perfection for me! you are a GENIUS! ♥
