Friday, February 13, 2009

young love.

i just have to share...

my son, Lake, came home yesterday from school carrying a rather large gift bag and a smile on his face.  He told me that THIS was for him and I couldn't look.  But then he quickly pulled everything out of the bag to show me. lol  A girl in his class, Emma, has had a crush on him for a few years now.  I've gotten to know her and her mother through school functions and such so I was tickled to actually hear it was from her (is that bad as my son is only 10???? haha).  Just a day or two before this I had asked Lake if he needed a secret admirer card and he just looked at me funny and thought for a minute and said "nahhh".  I proceeded to tell him that when I was younger I had received a few of those for V-day during my grade school years.  He just looked at me out of the corner of his eye. :)

So, I took him to our local Halmark store so he could pick sweet Emma up something.  He bought her a little 3" bear that says "your cute" on it's heart that it holds and he bought a heart shaped tin with chocolates in it.  He came home, quickly wrapped it all up in the gift bag we got and was ready for today.  I sooooo can't wait to hear how his day went. :)

Lake's v-day gift.5


  1. how sweet.. i can't wait to hear either..
    young love...

  2. So cute!!
    My almost 10 year old ds is just friends with everyone in his class. :)
    My 6 year old ds, on the other hand, came has been counting the days until today because his little friend, Alyssa, is coming over to play after school. And he said she put her arm around his shoulders the other day and said he was her best friend. He told me today that she asked him to marry her (which brought my dd to tears, because she wants to marry him!)

  3. How stinkin cute is he?? Great story!

  4. That is so sweet! You'll have to scrap it for sure! (can u tell I'm always thinking about scrapbooking?!)

  5. Aww, that is so adorable! What a cutie he is - he looks so proud!

  6. awwww that's SO cute! He's quite the handsome lil' guy....

  7. Oh my, what a sweet sweet story! LOVE the picture, what a cutie he is and the look on his face is priceless! :)
    Does this mean they are officially an item??
    ahhh.... yes, young love is so cute :)

  8. How adorable!! That picture is so great and I love the story. By the way...I love his name!!

  9. Oh my, how cute is that?!?! I have a 9 year old son and he doesn't show any interest yet. ;)
