Thursday, December 13, 2007


this video is of my son, Lake, at his 3rd Grade Christmas Play (12/13/07). i'm so proud of him for trying out for a main role and getting one of the top roles that was available. yay!

***i'm trying to figure out YouTube...please come back. lol

Ok, i am just going to paste this link here and hopefully you can see it!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

early present to me.

mm.jpgyep, hubby doesn't know it and he probably won't even notice...well maybe....but i have a Making Memories goodie coming to me VERY soon!


hi. i'm just a sahm who has lived pretty much in the same area all my life. i was born with oodles of creativity and i love using it in my daily life. i have three fantastic kiddos and a wonderful husband. i've been drawing, scrapbooking, photo taking....most all of my life. i want to share some of that here through recent artistic urges i may have. enjoy.

Monday, November 26, 2007


I'm am thankful for many things in my life but my favorite is getting together with family and friends whenever possible. Tradition on my hubby's side is to make Thanksgiving dinner an all day affair. We end the evening playing games as a group for several hours...and snacking......and more Great times!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Brody kept saying "I hugged that man", "I hugged that man". lol He is soooo mezmerized by him this's too cute!

baby sister....married?!?!

she did it. she married her soldier. they are moving to southern KY this month. makes me sad.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

it's snowing.

Brody trying so hard to catch snowflakes on his tongue this morning as the flurries flew by from the outragous winds!

Monday, October 29, 2007

a slave to my house.

yep, that is what i feel like lately. lol i have started a "update" type project in every room of our house. i won't bore you with all the grooling details but do want to share something i (we) are most proud of at the moment. Our......


they were installed this past week and i couldn't be prouder of all 11 windows that adorn our home.

ok, on to the next task......

Monday, September 24, 2007

hello, hello.

yeah, i'm still alive. lol things have been crazy busy (well, seriously unorganzied) around here this summmer. :) we have been sparatically remodeling (updating) our home. i'm enjoying my new central air/gas blown heat! our new windows are on order and should be installed within the next month. i continue to change my mind on paint colors...almost daily! lol love our new bath but am still on the hunt for the perfect cabinet to hold our new double sink. sigh. i'm sure it will come together soon.

other news.....i haven't been scrapping at all!

my baby sister is getting married in december. bittersweet. i get to be creative but she is growing up WAY to fast.

my daughter started middle school here and loves it! i'm torn because i think she should stay in kindergarten. lol

the fair is in town this week and the kiddos are majorly excited! i can't wait to share photos soon. :)

i am still searching for their holloween costumes for this year. my little guy LOVES happy feet so i am thinking a cute penguin costume would suit him perfect.

hope everyone else is well and things are happening for them. keep in touch!


Saturday, August 11, 2007

summer's end.

well, i feel as if it is pretty much over even though it will probably be the hottest month yet. my kiddos are ready for school and it starts on the 21st. hubby and i have been slowly moving forward in house remodeling (something that seems to take forever with his railroad work schedule). i've been hitting auctions and loving my fun finds! everything is going well here so i can't complain.

just thought i would make SOME kind of entry since i haven't lately. i have a few random photos that i could upload but i've been lazy. teehee hope to "get with it" soon. ;)

Monday, July 16, 2007

product review.

I don't really ever post about products that I like but I have recently bought both of these cleaners and totally LOVE them!

Clorox Anywhere spray

Method Home spray

I'm a freak about spraying down my cabinets and counters almost daily. I'm sure it has to do with having kiddos that track in and out of the house constantly and I never know what they've touched. lol Give these a try or if you already have please leave a comment and share your experience with them.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

stippling challenge w/rak.

it came to me this morning...i LOVED art in school and started thinking about different drawing techniques that i enjoyed and stippling was one of them. i think it's a great new 'twist' on inking the edges of your papers.

stippling: n.
A method of drawing, engraving, or painting using dots or short strokes.
The effect produced by stippling.

with this fresh technique idea comes a RAK from me if you try this on a layout or card and share a link here in the comment section by Wednesday, July 11th. are you going to take my challenge? :)

(*Note: this rak offer is seperate from a challenge i issued on another site.)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


i guess i can blame my blog neglect on the summer days. i haven't really COMPLETED any layouts lately but i have started a couple. lol i hope to get my scrap on this weekend.

how was your 4th celebration? the weather put a damper on mine but we still have managed to bbq and catch some local fireworks. :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

i won.

the CMK challenge that i posted a couple posts down...i won. ok, it was a drawing because the awsome Rebecca couldn't decided on all the talent...but hey, i won. teehee see proof here.

Monday, June 18, 2007

just a quickie.

this layout took all of about 20 minutes to do. i felt the photos were self explanitory so i didn't journal. just fun stuff!

CMK challenge.

Rebecca over at CMK posted a weekend challenge to create a layout with the work "love" somewhere on it. this instantly came to mind.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Sunday, June 3, 2007


blog WIN & garge sale FIND.

If you've never ventured over the the Making Memories blog then you should go....NOW! The site is great for information, ideas and they are always giving away their yummy stuff! I recently scored these fabulous storage jars and quickly filled them with my goodies to display and have at my finger tips. *highly recommended*

Also, I stopped by a garage sale in my neighborhood a few days ago and came across these ink pads for $2.00! There were over 40 pieces {a few aren't shown and several of the ones shown haven't even been open!!!}. I say that is a GREAT find!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


nothing really exciting to share at the moment but i love my doggies and thought i would put them on my blog for all to see. my dobie, Chloe, her b-day is May 18th and she is turning 11! she is starting to really show her age. the brown chunky guy is my Chopper, he is going to be 3 in July. he was a b-day present from my hubby a few years ago. love them both. i have my moments with them, just like my kiddos but they are truly family.

do you have doggies?

have a great weekend. i am scrapping and will upload some layouts soon.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

my fun garage sale find!

i was out and about this morning and just down the street a older couple was having a moving sale. i stopped because they had some wood furniture pieces and i'm always wanting something of that nature. ha. anyway, i instantly seen this camera sitting across the garage on a table with jewelry. i could see the words 'rebel' right away. i was stoked! it was a Canon EOS Rebel 35mm camera. i have a digital Kodak but i have been wanting a 35mm. this was it! the tag said $40.00 and as soon as i picked it up and was looking it over the lady said "or you can make an offer". i hated the fact that i have not been pricing these items so i was unclear as to what it was worth but i knew with the lens, filter, flash and bag that it was probably worth $40.00. i sat it down briefly but felt that everyone there wanted it. lol i thought i had to take a chance and offered her $25.00 {waiting for her to say "are you crazy?!?"} and she instantly said "sold!". i couldn't believe it. there is even a new battery in it. i'm stoked. i think i done alright.

have you found a good bargin lately??? please share!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Scrappy Hour @ CMK!

If you scrap....and love a challenge that is step-by-step live on a messageboard you will love being at CMK on monday nights. I created this layout last night. Rachel is an awsome instructor and the group of girls there are great to be around. Come see me there!

NSD weekend...

National Scrapbook Day was on Saturday May 5th and I hosted a mini crop in my home for about 5 girlies. We had fun shopping the evening before hitting great sales at HL, JoAnn's & Michaels. The evening was not the most productive but we had some good laughs, good eats and caught up on news and gossip! Here are a couple layouts I completed...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

motherhood...what a day.

i'm trying to de-stress from this afternoon. the day was going great...i was getting oodles of things accomplished and then my 11 yr old daughter screams MOM!

my 2 yr old had fallen down our cement steps out back. i heard him scream but he was over that when i got outside. i brought him inside and noticed his lip was swelling so i grabbed a cool wet cloth. he seemed fine. i noticed he had dirt by his mouth so i went to wipe across the bottom of his lip when i noticed more "dirt" in his mouth. well, it wasn't was gravel imbedded in his teeth....wait a minute....his teeth don't look right.

i freaked. his front teeth were pushed clear back like someone folded them up! i didn't know what to do...he wasn't complaining...he wasn't bleeding. i took him to the emergency room. they said he was fine as far as any serious damage goes and Brody just wanted down to run around. i, on the other hand, was a wreck. i just kept thinking of his perfect smile. why wasn't i there to catch him?!? why do mothers feel horrible and at fault when something like this happens?!? all this crap is going through my head while we waited for a doctor in the ER....long wait.....

the doctor consulted over the phone with a local pediatric dentist and i agreed to let the ER doctor "pop" them back in place?!? they aren't quite back where they should be but they aren't back up into the roof of his mouth either.

we have an appointment with that dentist in the morning. guess where he is?? outside with his dad playing.

did i say....i'm a wreck. sigh. i need to relax. thanks for listening.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

never been tagged....until now!

Dianne tagged me...

I didn't even know i was being chased. teehee

I can handle this one. I just have to share 7 random facts about me and then share 7 random scrap related facts {for fun, as Linds put it on her blog}. Enjoy!


1. I am left handed {so is my hubby, how crazy is that?!?}.

2. I can plan a mean party/event {cuz I'm an event planner}.

3. I put my children and family before myself which leads to me going a little stir crazy after a few months and lashing out by spoiling myself. {hey, whatever works, right? lol}

4. My desire is to own and operate my own business. Not sure what it is just yet but I have this feeling it won't be too much longer {I do have ideas just not one particular}.

5. I can play a mean game of pool! I {heart} billards!

6. I have always been that fun...friends with everyone type of person. I was never in a "click" in high school but was friends with everyone. I love making people laugh and feel comfortable.

7. I am annoyed by people that don't try things before they say "I can't {in a whiny voice}". I just am slayed by people that think things are just handed to them. uuggghh! lol


1. I have more supplies then I will ever need.

2. I have been scrapping for 12 years.

3. My first scrap supplies were purchased in a run down Michaels store about 40 minutes away from me.

4. I rarely scrap about myself...of which I really need to change.

5. I like my style...if you want to call it a 'style'. lol I love using old and new products. I don't just chase after new items and use them in the groupings they are designed in. I mix and match with items I've had for years.

6. I haven't put my layouts in albums for about a year now...guess how tall my stack of layouts is??? lol {3 stacks @ approx. 10-12 inches high}

7. I love all the scrappy relationships I have gained through online scrap sites. I love sharing a passion with others even if we can't "hang out" in person.

Thanks for reading about me! Have a great scrappy day!

oh yeah...i've been scrappin'!

these are a couple of my faves from last night. i actually finished 4! this is good for me and my crazy life lately. enjoy!

Monday, April 23, 2007

what a fantastic weekend we had!

the weather was perfect....hubby was home for FOUR days (which is a huge treat in itself)....our local zoo opened this weekend...sigh...happiness.

We visited grandparents, ice cream shops, parks, took walks, played in the yard, worked on landscaping...I really needed it. Now I'm off to scrap...enjoy these few zoo pics!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

layout share.

just wanted to share a few layouts i've done recently. btw, the good stuff layout was chosen as LOTD over at Scrapperie and also this layout was designed while participating in a 'scrappy hour' at Create My Keepsake talk about great motivation and fabulous environment! Check both places out.

keep on scrappin'
